Thursday, March 25, 2010

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XESPEICOM Project, for standardization of frozen fishery products.

Just published the "Quick Guide for Standardization of Frozen Fishery Products and Frozen " , where the main conclusions XESPEICOM project, sponsored by the Cooperative of Shipowners of the Port of Vigo (ARVI) and participated as technical support, members of the Department of Fishery Products Technology Center CETMAR Technology and Innovation Area Serviguide.

This Guide provides the standardization proposals for the naming and classification of major species and raw materials derived from the catches of the trawl fleet Galician freezer working in the North Atlantic and Southwest.

The result is a compendium of standards and terminology unique agreed upon by representatives of the fleet itself, allowing the existence of an unambiguous names and formats. These rules will be voluntary, but through ARVI will encourage its implementation.

For more information about the project and the standards it promotes, you can visit the project website:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Open the 2 nd call for cooperation projects

The Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme 2007-2013 Spain-Portugal launched its second call for projects to aid ERDF of 125.5 million €.
This competition is open to all 4 priorities of the program until May 31, 2010:
-Cooperation and joint management to promote competitiveness and employment promotion
-Cooperation and joint management in environment, heritage and natural environment;
-Cooperation and joint management and land access;
-Cooperation and joint management to promote cooperation and economic and social integration.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Application Letter For Budget Secretary

Are there problems in the model Galician R + D? LOXISGA

Due to the particularities of the business landscape of Galicia, which has mostly small companies, 90% are SMEs, in which research and development activities are almost nonexistent. So is practically alone in the large, 153 of 130,000, only 0.1%, which performs research activity. This accentuated
to compete in traditional and low technology content.
Bearing in mind also that scientific knowledge is produced almost always linked to the public sector and universities where there is an intercom with low productive Share findings that occur.
This last point is that the regional government will seek to correct the Galician Axencia Innovation and Transfer do Coñecemento.
But is this the beginning of a new era in R & D will Galician or unnoticed by the Galician society?