Posted by Jacki Forbes Rodolfo Meier:
a friend Mail a friend from the center of the destruction.
Hello my loving family and friends.
here in Sendai Things have happened so surreal. But I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends who are helping me a lot.
Since my house, it could be called ramshackle hut, was uninhabitable, I'm living in a friend's house. We share supplies, water and a kerosene heater. We slept all lined up in a room, eat around a candle and tell each other stories.
During the day we helped to clean and put order into our homes. People sit in their cars to watch the news through their GPS screens, or make lines to get water for drinking which is a source of supply. If anyone has a tap running at home, put a sign in front so people can go there to fill their containers and buckets.
Here where I live, is truly amazing that there is no looting, no crowding or jostling in the queues.
People leave the front doors open for added security when any reply. It is common to hear people say this is like in the old times where everyone helped each other.
Nobody has bathed for several days. We feel dirty and ragged, but we have many more important things to worry about and ocuparmos. I enjoyed this way to rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. Living a full, instinctive level, intuition, caring, what is necessary for survival, not only mine but of the whole group.
is strange, as we are seeing different parallel universes. A jumble of destroyed houses on the one hand, and yet another one appears with futons and laundry, outside drying in the sun. People queuing for water and food and other walking the dog. All the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence of the night. No cars circulating. You do not see a soul on the street and the night sky is completely studded with stars. I could usually see two or a few more, but now you see everything crashed. Mountains are
Sendai is strong and the cooling air can see his silhouette against a magnificent sky background.
And the Japanese are so wonderful! I go every day to get my mail to my house destroyed because I have electricity, and find food and water entry. I have no idea who left it but it's there. Older men with green hats go house to house to ensure that all are well. Also people ask foreigners if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation yes, but not fear and panic.
They tell us you can expect more aftershocks and eventually a major earthquake for a month or more. We are constantly feeling tremors, wobbles, shaking and continuous rumble.
I feel blessed to live in a part of Sendai slightly higher and more solid than others. So for now this area is better than others. Last night the husband of a friend brought us water and food field. Blessed again.
Somehow I'm being conscious as a result of personal experience, a huge evolutionary step COSMIC is happening all over the world right now. And the experiment that is taking place in Japan, I feel my heart is expanding a lot. My brother asked me if I felt small compared to these events. No, rather I feel like part of something that is being done and that goes far beyond myself.
This wave of rebirth (in the world) is hard, yet magnificent.
With love in response to all of you.

Personal Note: Large changes are taking place and within our reality, we have the opportunity to see many different scenarios alive. We can not say good or bad precedence or rules as we see now, like all realities come together and how each person is able to create your own world or reality, depending on their vibration. We all have the opportunity to change the setting if we allow our personal transformation. The change is collective and personal at the same time.
is time to speed things up and this represents a huge commitment and a great responsibility.
How much are you committed yourself?