Timely prayer and not just because Japan has been at this time call attention to the conscience of each one, but it happens everyday little dramas in the lives of people who do not even come out on international news and represents a true "Earthquake-Tsunami" in those lives such as not having a crust of bread to take their mouths!
Love, Thomas.
Mother Earth Prayer: Dear Mother Earth, in the name of the Divine Presence that dwells within every being of this humanity, we ask forgiveness for all those things that, consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily have done and that have caused damage, we ask your forgiveness for abusing your resources, for having brought so much disharmony and imbalance in your beautiful nature and other beings Creación.Te apologize for not having been able to enjoy Goods, Gifts and Blessings that have given us and instead, if any crashed to near extinction, and if any wasted and consumed irresponsibly. But today we ask, not with fear or pain, but with all the love we are capable of, and from our Soul, Divine spark of light, full of faith that we listen and understand, we ask you to receive this light and we are sending love, to welcome into your heart all this energy healer member of our hearts and our hands we are giving you in return for all the blessings you have given us ... Get our light and bring it to the bottom of your being, to your center to your very heart, and from there, Beloved Gaia, reign, radiating PEACE AND TRANQUILLITY ... Calm and manifest from your depths, to your area ... continents, seas and oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, plains, cities and towns ... We ask you, and thank you deeply because we enjoy every day Bounties of your goodness and blessings of heaven as we walk our path of light in this embodiment, here on your body, and ask that you please continue beating.
Thanks Beloved Mother Earth, because I know we hear. AMEN (channeled by Eva Laura Ramos)
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