Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pita Chip Dip Recipes, Cold

The House joins the Knowledge Fair project. Lugo starts

Next November 3 at 10:00 the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela , will hold a conference on Innovation with the title "From knowledge to innovation" . This event is part of the program Knowledge Fair, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Council of Chambers of Commerce.

This conference will show the importance of establishing networks of collaboration between companies and knowledge centers, exposing the role of universities and technology centers in the transfer of technology. It will involve a Galician company which may expose a case of successful collaboration with a CT in innovation and show the experience of a Research Centre of Knowledge Transfer activities. The day's program and registration form can be downloaded from the web Chamber of Commerce of Santiago and attendance is free upon registration .

For more information, contact:
Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela
Innovation Cabinet

Anselmo Díaz Romero Tel: 981596800

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Arm And Leg Go Dull At Night

Knowledge Fair program.

The Chamber of Commerce Lugo starts the program Knowledge Fair, funded by the Social Fund (ESF), the Prime Minister's Science and Innovation and Chambers of Commerce.

The aim of this project is to promote knowledge transfer between companies and the providers of the same (universities, research centers, training centers ...) to create specific applications and utilities that promote private sector competitiveness, in particular small and medium enterprises. All performances are free upon registration .
The program starts with an awareness day title "Meet , innovates and grows-together is easier" , which will be held on Wednesday, 27 October in Building FORCAM Lugo. The day's program and registration form can be downloaded from the web Chamber of Commerce Lugo.

to this day continue in coming days two phases: the first with a more reduced to consolidate basic concepts of talent management (develop, recruit, retain) in corporate environments, to express experiences and programs public support to improve talent management in business and innovation, personalized exercises. Second meetings are scheduled days with one to one " agents participating in the knowledge of local environment for SMEs.
For information, contact:
Lugo Chamber of Commerce
Area business support projects.
284 300 982 Tel. E-mail:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Black Haired American Actresses

eGovernment Strategy and Plan 2011-2015 Avanza 2

This second phase continues the Avanza Plan, incorporating the actions implemented and to update their original objectives to suit the new challenges of the Network Society The first phase of the Avanza Plan sought to recover the delay between Spain and the European Union, especially in coverage and connectivity, while the Avanza Plan 2011-2015 Strategy 2 seeks to place Spain in a position of leadership in the development and use of advanced ICT products and services.

Within this strategy, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade has set a 2015 deadline to completely eliminate the role of the public administration. Thus, to implement the eGovernment, be digitized all administrative , will finalize the incorporation of electronic signatures (electronic ID) and will be a migration of all records into digital format.

Creams that this is a good business opportunity for companies offering ICT services while substantially change the way we relate to the administration. More information

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rubber Cement Discharge

FEGAPE innovation seminars in Santiago, Ourense and Porriño

Galician Federation of Business Parks (FEGAPE) sponsored three seminars to innovation as a theme. These campaigns are financed by the Ministry of Economy and Labour and the IGAPE and have the cooperation of the Association of Tambre Business Area, the Association of Entrepreneurs As Gándaras - Porrino and the Chamber of Commerce of Ourense.

This training is free and open to all interested . The theme, date and venues are:

Santiago : FINANCING
Dates: 5
October 13 Hours: 15:30 h to 21:30 h
Tambre Entrepreneurial Center
Via Edison, 1 Santiago de Compostela
Proxectos XESTIÓN OF R & D + i: UNE 166001:2006
Dates: 6 and 13
October Hours: 15:30 h to 21:30 h
Multipurpose Torneiros
Street Riviera s / n. Turners.
36410 Porriño
systematizing the management of R & D & I : EN 166.002:2006

Date: 7:14 October
Time: 15:30 21:30
Chamber of Commerce
Avd de La Habana 30-bis 32003 Ourense
  • Registration
  • Program
The seminars are taught by staff Serviguide , so for more information please contact 986 44 33 11