Friday, October 22, 2010

My Arm And Leg Go Dull At Night

Knowledge Fair program.

The Chamber of Commerce Lugo starts the program Knowledge Fair, funded by the Social Fund (ESF), the Prime Minister's Science and Innovation and Chambers of Commerce.

The aim of this project is to promote knowledge transfer between companies and the providers of the same (universities, research centers, training centers ...) to create specific applications and utilities that promote private sector competitiveness, in particular small and medium enterprises. All performances are free upon registration .
The program starts with an awareness day title "Meet , innovates and grows-together is easier" , which will be held on Wednesday, 27 October in Building FORCAM Lugo. The day's program and registration form can be downloaded from the web Chamber of Commerce Lugo.

to this day continue in coming days two phases: the first with a more reduced to consolidate basic concepts of talent management (develop, recruit, retain) in corporate environments, to express experiences and programs public support to improve talent management in business and innovation, personalized exercises. Second meetings are scheduled days with one to one " agents participating in the knowledge of local environment for SMEs.
For information, contact:
Lugo Chamber of Commerce
Area business support projects.
284 300 982 Tel. E-mail:


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