On Thursday 23 December, is advancing the new " Research Plan, Crecemento and Innovation (2011-2015) "to replace from January 1, 2011 to the current" Galego Plan R + D + i INCITE (2006-2010) ". The program will be launched by the also newly created" Galician Axencia I + D + i "to comprehensively manage all initiatives that are generated in Galicia in this field.
According to information submitted by the President of the Xunta, the plan known as I2C , shall consist of 192 million euros in 2011 and an estimate expenditure of 1,200 million by 2015. Contiene 10 ejes strategic action lines 68 and 11 programs Sector: Health
- Agriculture Fisheries and Food Biotechnology
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies
- Energy Environment
- Transportation Security
- Socioeconomic sciences and humanities
- Tourism
- efficiency constructive
Continuing with the advanced information, it is New Plan specifically designed to address five key challenges: to encourage and promote the recruitment, training and retaining talent, go for quality research, relevant and competitive, foster innovation and entry into economic and social value, promote business growth, enable a paradigm shift to a competitive system beyond 2013.
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