Monday, December 27, 2010

Homemade Can Noisemakers

the new Plan of I + D + i of the Xunta de Galicia Santiago

On Thursday 23 December, is advancing the new " Research Plan, Crecemento and Innovation (2011-2015) "to replace from January 1, 2011 to the current" Galego Plan R + D + i INCITE (2006-2010) ". The program will be launched by the also newly created" Galician Axencia I + D + i "to comprehensively manage all initiatives that are generated in Galicia in this field.

According to information submitted by the President of the Xunta, the plan known as I2C , shall consist of 192 million euros in 2011 and an estimate expenditure of 1,200 million by 2015. Contiene 10 ejes strategic action lines 68 and 11 programs Sector: Health
  1. Agriculture Fisheries and Food Biotechnology
  2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  3. Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies
  4. Energy Environment
  5. Transportation Security
  6. Socioeconomic sciences and humanities
  7. Tourism
  8. efficiency constructive
Continuing with the advanced information, it is New Plan specifically designed to address five key challenges: to encourage and promote the recruitment, training and retaining talent, go for quality research, relevant and competitive, foster innovation and entry into economic and social value, promote business growth, enable a paradigm shift to a competitive system beyond 2013.

For more information, please see news published on the website of the Xunta de Galicia and summary of the new plan submitted.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

How To Unlock President Suitcase Lock

Merry Christmas, Happy Spirit Avatar NEW YEAR'S PRAYER - (

Itzi, Whenever I open "my" Blog Alternative ... (Yes, it's like something mine), I perceive and appreciate both AVATAR SPIRIT on all equipment I feel completely identified with many issues, the love with which each post is armed and I say I will like you, but in a different context: I found a great love sharing as a reader and often spreading deep fiber content playing only active when we have awakened to all the good it brings to our lives, our world! THANKS FOR EXIST and a wish that every one of you has nice space you have in my heart!
May God richly bless and protect you always! THANKS FOR THIS GIFT OF CHRISTMAS DAY!
From Mar del Plata - Argentina
Happy and Prosperous 2011

(I confess I saw AVATAR 5 times and each time find more messages and meanings that are not "just an inspiration anyone" a writer ...>>> Most likely to continue to see more times ... is how we feel those good bedside books like we always reread) Continue reading on The Alternative Blog: # ixzz198PnSW6c
Merry Christmas, Happy Spirit Avatar 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4 *
* Tarot: IV The Emperor * Arcane

* Chinese New Year Xin Mao Yin Metal Rabbit "*
commonly understood as an advance notice of
event, this can be founded on observation, conjecture, in
View, or as a form of inspiration
divine. With all these predictions will initiate the topic of 2011. **

The number four has a special significance, considering from

distant time, which is the number of the balloon

globe. Is associated with the Four Winds, the four elements,

four directions, four seasons, the four phases of
Revelation, the list is long. This number tends towards stability and geometrically is
represented by a square or a symbol of the cross. However
the equilibrium point is not in any of its ends, but at the center.
In 2011, under the influence of number 4, advised the search
stability, more to the warning of finitude. That is, the year
requires important changes in all spheres of our daily
live, to put an end to certain positions, to change some habits,
eradicate old habits.

numbers that make up the 2011, show altered expression

of the four elements, it calls us so inescapable

change to and achieve the desired stability. Land, water, air and
fire manifested as never before had seen them, forcing
reflection and application drastic measures to improve
environmental health.

The 2011 totals 4, plus 4 sum 10 (1 +2 +3 +4 = 10), confirming changes

forced new beginnings. Partnering with luck will change,

resist it, conflict. More
the fourth holds the promise of awakening, of understanding what
ephemeral and transient material things, not contempt of
same, rather suggesting their importance from an angle not seen
long ago.
is necessary to capture the transience of all, to put us in a
fundamental issue: the significance of the things of the spirit and

of noble sentiments, there lies a power that can make
possible what seemingly impossible, the will. **

* EMPEROR * 1V Arcanum

* Influence dominant Labor, practicality, finance, construction .*
The reason prevails in this period, the influence of the Emperor brings
need to define and order things, their tendency requires
attention to earthly affairs, daily life, the middle

is an Arcanum has many associations: the figures represent
of government or authority, masculine power of reason, the
practicality, science. Its planet is Mars and leads to work with
wisdom and understanding, to find beauty. Rulers generally have to discover new
roads. The 2011 warns against stupidity, stubbornness, it

impractical. The reason has to prevail, to the evidence required
break with anachronistic. It's a great learning cycle as
requires the triumph of reason, the more imperative the need to be flexible.

He is linked to the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars,
planet that has to do with war and peace, so that
theme, will be in the atmosphere throughout the year. More on the other hand the
Emperor corresponds to the Hebrew letter Daleth, expressing

hieroglyphically the breast that nourishes, which provides food.
understand among other things refers to finding solutions and
opportunities to meet needs or make improvements
important. Daleth is associated with the planet Jupiter, hence the 2011

conveys the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exercise of personal and collective power to

through the wise use of the will.

The people will show demanding, impatient, ready to be
need for change, severe in his judgments and claimant
; truth. The overall work, good organization and
time distribution, more than ever become necessary during the

2011, every attitude of laziness will bring serious and dire consequences. Keys, 2011: Work and Will. Especially
will change, no reason to postpone what is necessary to show that
attend. Promoting the development of positive habits and customs.

New forms of governance emerge this year ruled by Emperor
time when there are new leaders. Attention is given to the
wisdom of experience and old age.
Sky News from the Great Bear, Polar Star. **


According to Chinese concept, the Earth is composed of segments
which dominates a particular zodiac sign. The influence of the year
from February 3 is the "Yin Metal Rabbit", for all the
planet, over the territory he ruled specifically that sign.
His tendency is toward family unity, diplomacy,
hospitality, qualities that often accompany Mexican is important to take
opportunity so that these values \u200b\u200bare back
force. Rabbit associated with earthquakes, the "rabbit hop" does
the earth shake. In the case of Yin Metal Rabbit has to do

matters of the heart of Mother Earth, the mineral kingdom. In
our Mexico on one side can increase the progress of mining
and metallurgy, jewelry, plus the other hand it create great tension
greed aroused those elements in
"powerful", it can reverse the order of things, and what

could be beneficial, become lost. large deposits of precious metals
are discovered in Mexico, a theme that has dual
edge. "

Metal cutting the wood indicates 2011. Trees are another
care resource that should be in any way possible, depend on it for
maintain the low environmental balance we still have. And the wood

of Mexico this year, is another hot spot that needs to be

cared for, and with great care.

arouse much interest Traditional Medicine, herbology, for
the great possibilities aimed at health there have been
preserved. You will need use of that resource to solve
certain evidence in this area. More

other hand emerge or rejuvenating miracle cures here
and there. Some findings are valid, the more there will be a
amount of scammers offering "cures" without effort. As
"big business" nonexistent, is important to remember that everything has

cost in this life, which requires discipline, perseverance, steadfastness
and much more. Caution is advised, to use reason and
objectivity. As the territory of Mexico is concerned, the States situated
this are those who are "risks" in the year of the Rabbit, take
into account aspects that are vulnerable, to take orders
protect and strengthen them. **

* Allied Rabbit is the Dog, is the talisman of the year. opponent
the Gallo
.* **

Tlalpilli: Tecpatl Starts March 12: Chiconahui Cipactli - Scores Atlacaualo.
The March 12 at 12:43 hours New Year starts
account Tolteca Time, according to the correlation of Maestro Arturo Meza G.
12 year Reed rightful clarity and lucidity. The Road of

East, the Casa de la Luz. Prevail in passing the influence
of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca therefore intelligence and memory,
analysis and observation, and the encounter and the strength of

constructive ties.
The "dart" celestial heat activated, energy, movement,
calling us to find the "way" to make appropriate use of
intelligence and bring out the ancestral memory that accompanies each
a member of the human species.
is the penultimate year of Tlalpilli Tecpatl, which gives us the
opportunity to appreciate the gifts of spirit and matter, the
nagual and tonal. It put in evidence the signs of "time"

can speak clearly when energy that we are, the more it shows
also how it is possible to heal the area, perfect it,
From March 12, the changes are radical, does not allow

acts in a warm or negligent. Cipactli, the reptile, crocodile, denotes
initiator days year 12 Reed, in Tlalpilli Tecpatl, it calls

to remember our roots, our origins, guided by Quetzalcoatl

and Tezcatlipoca, induces us to move beyond the confusion and disorder,

the sake of clarity and lucidity.

is important to take care of the family and the community, make wise use of

delivered with intelligence and hard work.
rid of egoism, attacks and differences between children
of Anahuac, the main evil decomposition and has brought
resentment at all levels. More than ever it becomes necessary to
solidarity work as a team together to protect, gather
imitating as much as possible Calpulli ancestral organization, with

consistent respect for the "Grandparents", the wisdom of the "Elders"
'm sure that is why we bring happiness. All of us need, we are allies builders of
actually more fair, balanced and harmonious. Aspire and put in

action so that this fertile land once again give abundant fruit. **
Maximum eclipses that can occur in one year is 7, in 2011 we
, 6, surely that the sky is calling us to take into account their
signals. We will have four solar eclipses: starting on January 4,
later on 1 June, 1 July and 25 November. Two

lunar eclipses: 15 June and 10 December. Four
solar eclipses in a year that governs the number 4,
definitely confirm a trend change in
special as we have said throughout this text is a call for
end of a cycle where selfishness prevails, with all its serious

SYNTHESIS OF THE ISSUE: The 2011 gives the gift of finding stability
if we are willing to change, be flexible. In family togetherness
shows a real key to happiness, we return to that path.
To achieve the balance will be required to act with respect
dispense practical and unnecessary, this will get to see the
life through the abundance and not deprivation. Nature
requires us to stop attacking her, the respect it will bring great
blessings, even too late to rectify.
Elements of good fortune: * Color red Ruby, cedar, owl,

dog, square, cube. Plant a tree or take care of that
are in the environment .*
Inphinito With Love: Lolita Vargas Malinalticitl **

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wedding Thank You Message For Coming


Lord God, master of time and eternity, yours is the present and the future, the past and the future.
the end of this year I want to thank you for everything I received from you.
Thank you for life and love for flowers,
air and sun, the joy and pain, because was possible and what did not happen. I offer everything I did this year, the job could make and the things that went through my hands and what I could build them.
I present to people over these months I loved, the new and old friends love, those closest to me and those who are further away, those who gave me his hand and those who could help
with whom I shared the life, work, pain and joy. But also, today I ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness for time lost, money wasted, by the word
useless and wasted love. Sorry empty by the works and the shoddy work, and forgiveness to live without enthusiasm. also by prayer which gradually and was postponed until now
come to introduce. For all my forgetfulness, carelessness and silence again I apologize.

In the coming days will begin a new year and stop my life before the new timetable still unused and I present these days only you know if you get to live them.
Today I ask for myself and my peace and joy, strength and prudence, clarity and wisdom. I live each day with optimism and goodness carrying around a heart full of understanding and peace
. You Close my ears and my lips falsely with lying words, selfish, hurtful or unkind. instead
Open myself to all that is good my spirit is full of blessings only and spill my step. Fill me with kindness and joy so that
who live with me or come to find me in my life a little bit of IT. Give us a happy year and teach to spread happiness. Amen

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holtek Ht27c512 Driver

NEW SOCIAL NETWORK 'Miface Porno' ... but uncensored

appeared on the Internet network triple X to copy the same design and colors of the popular Facebook . The site "Mifaceporno" with sexually explicit images, published site.
The site, though unofficial, Mifaceporno, has explicit images and content on topics strictly adult pornographic offers no security or protection for the access of children.
Although not new to the porn and sex are opening the way for the Internet, a quick look on Facebook is enough to see dozens of pages and pages devoted to sex, porno or its variants. This new network is defined as "an uncensored network where you can share all kinds of pictures and videos with users without fear of censure you, "a meeting place for professional porn actors, directors, producers, webcamers, webmasters and more ..."." It is fully permitted to publish porn pictures and videos available whenever the rights of persons "and the publication of third parties if consent is available.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Artiste Regal At Helzberg


" Anyone can go or not? Theft of the phone.

When stolen or lost a cell know that it is almost impossible to recover rapidly recycle thieves.
The experience is very unpleasant, but operating companies (Movistar, Claro, etc..) Replace the phone immediately.
However, there must know something interesting is a kind of come NZA in case they ever robbed a cell phone.
All GSM phones (ie those with chip) have a unique serial register, which is called IMEI CODE.
companies are not registered. Only you, the owners of the device could access the code.
To obtain dial * # 0 6 # (star-pound-zero-six-pound). Nothing more. Do not press 'SEND'
The display shows the IMEI code. Apúntenlo and keep it in a safe place (PDA, PC, etc.).
If they steal a cell phone call and give the operator this code.
The cell is completely blocked and even if the thief changes the SIM card or chip, you can not turn it on.
probably not get their cell, but at least be assured that whoever stole it may never be used.
If everyone knew this would reduce theft of mobile phones because it would be useless.
send this information to all your friends and acquaintances.
Let's start to move and record their IMEI code in a safe place.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Footed Pajama Sewing Pattern


Disturbed Lead Singer Piercing Images


Making the world's information universally accessible is a key target for Google. Language is one of our greatest challenges that have guided our efforts in removing language barriers between species. We are Translate pleased to introduce the animals, an application for Android waiting we allow us to better understand our animal friends. We have always been a company that accepts pets in Google, and we hope that translates to animals fosters greater interaction and understanding between animals and humans.
Animal Translate is an application for Android phones that recognizes and transcribes the words and phrases that are common to a species such as cats, for example. Translate to develop for the animals, we have worked closely with many of the best teams in the synthesis of the world of language, and with leaders in the field of cognitive linguistics animals, including key partners in the Bodleian Library at Oxford .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Shoulder Protection Rugby

Mac Mini, small and powerful next-generation CPU.

With its sleek aluminum design with a removable bottom panel for easy access to memory and an integrated power space-saving Mac mini is incredible. No matter where you look.
Mac mini includes a new aluminum frame of 1.4 inches. This piece is called piece: a uniform structure created from a solid block of aluminum. The construction of the piece was originally developed for the MacBook Pro from Apple. Was created using CNC (computer numerical control), type of construction used by the aerospace industry to build mission-critical space components. This ensures the absolute accuracy of each component of the structure of the Mac mini, not to mention the stylish aluminum finish that will be the pride of every desktop. You may notice that this Mac mini is something missing: the power supply. In fact, the power supply is integrated. So, avoid bulky sources and just connect two wires. This means that the Mac mini still occupies less space than before. The removable panel at the bottom of the Mac mini memory to update very easily. In addition, once you're inside, you'll see how organized and clean is the Mac mini. With the attention paid to the smallest detail. As the air intakes and vents, which are almost invisible. Moreover, only hear the fan running. It's amazing what will fit on something so mini.
Now with Mac mini, to connect an HDTV or a digital display using the HDMI port and the Mini DisplayPort is easier than ever. It also includes an SD card slot so you can use photos and videos from your digital camera. Furthermore, although the Mac mini is ultra-compact, includes a large number of ports, which provides unlimited possibilities. When you connect your peripherals and devices to the Mac mini, you'll see that even the back has been carefully considered. Furthermore, in the front of the Mac mini is the fast slot-load SuperDrive that can play or burn your own DVDs and CDs.
The desktop computer with less power consumption in the world. Perhaps the greatest achievement of the Mac mini is what does not. No wasted energy. When the Mac mini is idle, it consumes less than 10 watts, 25 percent less energy than the previous generation, which makes no other desktop. Mac mini is made of high aluminum recyclable. In addition, redesigned packaging is lighter, making it easier to move. Mac mini includes a large number of ports for connecting peripherals already have, like your HDTV. It also has more powerful graphics and lots of storage. But whatever you do with the Mac mini is up to you. Connect
Mac mini to the largest screen of the house your HDTV, is very easy, courtesy of HDMI port. Connects an HDMI cable and start enjoying high definition content on your Mac mini, and videos from iTunes, the Internet and your photo library. It also includes a handy control that lets you easily adjust the output of the Mac mini to connect to the largest HDTV screen. Also, if you just want music, you can play your entire iTunes library through the audio system in your home or forwarded to a group of speakers in any room with an AirPort base station Express2.
Mac mini makes things happen. You can connect to a digital display instantly. Besides HDMI, the Mac includes a Mini DisplayPort output and a HDMI to DVI adapter to connect to Apple Cinema Display LED screen or some other already have. You can even connect two screens to see more photos, videos and files. It also includes a slot SD card so you can use photos and videos from your digital camera. Mac mini includes a large number of ports: four USB 2.0 ports and one FireWire 800 port, so you can connect your keyboard, mouse, iPod, iPhone, iPad, digital camera, digital camcorder, external hard drive, printer and other peripheral uses.
Mac mini refuses to perform to their size. It gives NVIDIA GeForce 320M-generation integrated graphics processor market faster, and faster DDR3 memory. With 48 processor cores and 256 MB shared video memory, this graphics processor delivers up to twice the performance of the previous generation. Gives more power and more pixels to the latest 3D games and graphics-based applications. In addition, you'll see the difference when working with high-resolution photos and HD video. The most striking? You do not have to sacrifice efficiency for speed. NVIDIA GeForce 320M processor consumes less power than its predecessor. All this shows that you can actually do more with less.
A small Mac mini to get very far. With up to 8 GB of memory, the Mac mini gives you twice the memory than the previous generation. So now you can run more applications simultaneously. Mac mini comes with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 or 2.66 GHz, a 1066 MHz front side bus and memory super-fast 3-MB L2 cache for better performance, demonstrating that the size can be misleading.
Every Mac mini includes the latest wireless technology 802.11n2. Automatically connects to your Wi-Fi network, so you can surf the Web, print and play music wirelessly. It also includes Bluetooth wireless technology so you can connect accessories such as a wireless keyboard and mouse.
Now you can have a 320 GB hard drive or 500 GB1 and save your library of digital photos, videos, music, files and more, and more, and more. You can also play and record all DVD and CD you want to fast slot-load SuperDrive.
A Mac includes everything you need to manage email, calendars and contacts, browse the Internet, and more. All part of the Mac operating system: Mac OS X Snow Leopard. And since Apple develops applications that allow all these things, they can work together smoothly.
The Mac can also open and use Microsoft Office applications like Word and Excel, and even run Windows, so it is compatible with the world of PC2. This includes sharing documents with people using PC, print on almost any printer and work on Windows networks.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pita Chip Dip Recipes, Cold

The House joins the Knowledge Fair project. Lugo starts

Next November 3 at 10:00 the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela , will hold a conference on Innovation with the title "From knowledge to innovation" . This event is part of the program Knowledge Fair, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Council of Chambers of Commerce.

This conference will show the importance of establishing networks of collaboration between companies and knowledge centers, exposing the role of universities and technology centers in the transfer of technology. It will involve a Galician company which may expose a case of successful collaboration with a CT in innovation and show the experience of a Research Centre of Knowledge Transfer activities. The day's program and registration form can be downloaded from the web Chamber of Commerce of Santiago and attendance is free upon registration .

For more information, contact:
Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela
Innovation Cabinet

Anselmo Díaz Romero Tel: 981596800

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Arm And Leg Go Dull At Night

Knowledge Fair program.

The Chamber of Commerce Lugo starts the program Knowledge Fair, funded by the Social Fund (ESF), the Prime Minister's Science and Innovation and Chambers of Commerce.

The aim of this project is to promote knowledge transfer between companies and the providers of the same (universities, research centers, training centers ...) to create specific applications and utilities that promote private sector competitiveness, in particular small and medium enterprises. All performances are free upon registration .
The program starts with an awareness day title "Meet , innovates and grows-together is easier" , which will be held on Wednesday, 27 October in Building FORCAM Lugo. The day's program and registration form can be downloaded from the web Chamber of Commerce Lugo.

to this day continue in coming days two phases: the first with a more reduced to consolidate basic concepts of talent management (develop, recruit, retain) in corporate environments, to express experiences and programs public support to improve talent management in business and innovation, personalized exercises. Second meetings are scheduled days with one to one " agents participating in the knowledge of local environment for SMEs.
For information, contact:
Lugo Chamber of Commerce
Area business support projects.
284 300 982 Tel. E-mail:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Black Haired American Actresses

eGovernment Strategy and Plan 2011-2015 Avanza 2

This second phase continues the Avanza Plan, incorporating the actions implemented and to update their original objectives to suit the new challenges of the Network Society The first phase of the Avanza Plan sought to recover the delay between Spain and the European Union, especially in coverage and connectivity, while the Avanza Plan 2011-2015 Strategy 2 seeks to place Spain in a position of leadership in the development and use of advanced ICT products and services.

Within this strategy, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade has set a 2015 deadline to completely eliminate the role of the public administration. Thus, to implement the eGovernment, be digitized all administrative , will finalize the incorporation of electronic signatures (electronic ID) and will be a migration of all records into digital format.

Creams that this is a good business opportunity for companies offering ICT services while substantially change the way we relate to the administration. More information

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rubber Cement Discharge

FEGAPE innovation seminars in Santiago, Ourense and Porriño

Galician Federation of Business Parks (FEGAPE) sponsored three seminars to innovation as a theme. These campaigns are financed by the Ministry of Economy and Labour and the IGAPE and have the cooperation of the Association of Tambre Business Area, the Association of Entrepreneurs As Gándaras - Porrino and the Chamber of Commerce of Ourense.

This training is free and open to all interested . The theme, date and venues are:

Santiago : FINANCING
Dates: 5
October 13 Hours: 15:30 h to 21:30 h
Tambre Entrepreneurial Center
Via Edison, 1 Santiago de Compostela
Proxectos XESTIÓN OF R & D + i: UNE 166001:2006
Dates: 6 and 13
October Hours: 15:30 h to 21:30 h
Multipurpose Torneiros
Street Riviera s / n. Turners.
36410 Porriño
systematizing the management of R & D & I : EN 166.002:2006

Date: 7:14 October
Time: 15:30 21:30
Chamber of Commerce
Avd de La Habana 30-bis 32003 Ourense
  • Registration
  • Program
The seminars are taught by staff Serviguide , so for more information please contact 986 44 33 11

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Patterns For Brazilian Wax

seminar on financing R & D in the House of Santiago

Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela, in collaboration with the Galician Institute for Economic Development (IGAPE), recently organized a seminar on "AS MAXIMIZE A TWO FINANCING COSTS Knossos I + D + I "and delivered by our co-Serviguide Santiago.

This conference made an initial approach to the main support aid organizations conducting R & D + i and to obtain tax benefits for the development of R + D + IOA to reductions in the price at SS.SS respect of researchers.

With a practical approach, participants were exposed to the most common special procedures for obtaining financing of the R + D + i, seeking to guide the assistant in the correct and effective decision making.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Acid Reflux Militarydischarge

new look in the web of Serviguide

Our partners have just released the new image of the corporate web Serviguide.

take this opportunity to remind you that we are a company whose mission is to provide innovative services and added value to companies and public institutions, contributing to improved competitiveness and the strengthening of its structures, providing flexibility, knowledge, experience and commitment.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Does It Hurt To Have Mirena Removed?

ACLUNAGA provides training to promote R + D + I in the naval auxiliary industry

Next 23 and September 24 , the Cluster Sector Naval Gallego (ACLUNAGA) organizes a seminar in Vigo for promoting R & D & I at the naval auxiliary industry, under the AUX-NAVALIA project, funded by Crime Program for Cooperation in Space European Atlantic.

AUX-NAVALIA The project aims to improve the competitiveness and innovativeness of the industry sector auxiliary naval service, since it is a vital link in the maritime economy. It focuses on a niche sector, naval auxiliary industry with great potential for the future of the Atlantic Area.

The course is taught in the facilities of the Zona Franca de Vigo (Bouzas), in hours from 16:00 h to 21:00 h, with the following schedule:
  • 23/09/2010 - 16:00 h to 19:00 h - Management Systems I + D + i. Applicable Standards
  • 23/09/2010 - 19:00 h to 21:00 h - Taxation of Innovation
  • 24/09/2010 - 16:00 h to 21:00 h - Technology Watch
  • For more information
FEUGA Building - Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa s / n. Office 9-10, Campus Universitario Sur
Tel: 981578206 - Fax: 981563378

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Super Conceited Quotes

IDIPEMES Project - Last Workshop on Management of R + D + i

The Foundation Unive rsities da Coruña, in collaboration with Serviguide , carries out the project IDIPEMES where to collectively and open to all companies , are developing a series of training workshops tools I + D + i for exchange of experiences between enterprises and promote diffusion of organizational practices, so that the project has a demonstrative character for the entire business network Galician. We invite you to the last of the workshops scheduled:

Workshop 3 to 23 September 2010
  • Management Process R & D + i
  • innovation scorecard Resolution
  • concept questions
  • critical aspects of implementation
Registration is free and can be made through the website FUAC.

Ap Lab Cell Respiration Answers

Innova Galicia Foundation starts training program "Young Innova Galicia IDi & TIC's."

The Innova Galicia Foundation Youth Program IDi & ICT organized and promoted by the Galician Innovation Foundation, is a training initiative whose primary objective is promote employment and career development of young English living abroad. It seeks to respond to training needs in innovation management and information technology, defendants in the current work environment in which certain English and English youths living abroad have limited access.

deadlines: September 15, 2010 .
Applications received after these dates or do not submit the required documentation, will be outside the screening and selection process.

Venue: A Coruña.

Expected duration: 352 hours .- The number of hours: Includes practical training in Galician companies in the sector and may be modified depending on the progress of the screening process and selection.
totally free program:
  • Transportation from the capital of the country of origin of the student / a.
  • Accommodation and meals during duration of the program.
  • Training Programme.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Groping On Japan Subways

innovation through the promotion of new fish species

more traditional sectors also innovate and seek ways to provide original products the market. An example is the new promotional campaign fish known as "little Marie" or "humped" who heads the National Association of Shipowners Hake Fisheries Freezers (ANAM) and also supports Serviguide.

ANAMER , with the help FROM economic , begins a campaign to promote this product l bequeath to several English cities during the months of September and October .

The campaign starts next weekend at the Fair Vigomar 2010 where of 09/09/2010 to 12/09/2010 the MARUJITA be one of the protagonists This new edition of the gastronomic Vigo.

also has set up a blog ( ) and witnessed the development of the campaign and will also serve to inform and familiarize marketers and end users the benefits of this product.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Files That Mac Needs For No Cd

Now we are also on LinkedIn

retake these lines to remember that a few months ago we opened the Serviguide group within the LinkedIn network. As shown in his presentation:
"web space dedicated to communication and networking Serviguide employees and its subsidiaries and associates, friends and professionals in general who want to share this space."
Now that this professional network is gaining importance, we invite you to visit, meet our activities and participate in discussions that arise. You can also visit the our company profile in the network and be informed of changes and business opportunities.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Suzuki Grand Vitara Blue Prints

SILICON INFORMATICS Your days are numbered

few years ago the valley's most famous era of computing is Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley English, chemical element in the microchips are manufactured.
But the future, say some experts and many scientific publications, is in the chips of graphene, a sturdy, transparent and extremely flexible .
South Korean scientists have just built the first touchscreen of this material. She is 30 inches and can be folded and rolled to occupy minimal space. IBM, the computer giant, introduced its first chips this winter graphene, 10 times faster than silicon. The mobile battery manufacturers advertise that their product will improve thanks to this derivative of graphite, with which also made the world's smallest radio, designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
The institute of nanotechnology in which they have developed the first screen Touch of graphene, Sungkyunkwan University of Seoul, has gotten the attention of large companies. The industry is worried. Displays that bend like paper and that soon may roll "to make a small pencil behind his ear we will." Samsung, the world leader in various branches of the electronics industry, has announced that in two years market a similar contraption.
So why is still makes technology obsolete?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Best Treadmill Under Bed

267 patent and trademark applications received in 2009

acute crisis in Galicia imagination and it shows. The office of patent and trademark records of the community have received last year a total of 267 applications, by 4.71% over the previous year.
the past three years the number of records in the community has been increasing. Thus, in 2007 there were a total of 222 inventions a year later, 255 and last year, 267. In the first quarter of this year and 99 applications have been submitted.
However, the Galician contribution to the registration of patents and trademarks is not significant. Reported last year in Spain A total of 66,257 inventions, so that community involvement remains at 4.7%.
Unlike what happened in Galicia with the rise of trademarks and patents in the EU assembly in 2009 recorded 155,900, representing a decrease of 4.5% over the previous year, while in the U.S. were 46,000 (-11.4%) and Japan, with 30,000 records, there was an increase of 3.6%.
This situation puts employers on alert Galicia. The increase in patents is due to trial July-Sande-"a greater awareness of employers to protect their R & D + i" and because they consider innovation "as a factor of competitiveness. "