Thursday, July 22, 2010

Alloderm Gum Graft Diagram



First, in order to provide an appropriate framework for this article I'll start by saying that define abortion is the procedure by which produce voluntary interruption of pregnancy with the resulting death of the fetus inside or outside the womb. Causes and conditions may be different but as an explanation of the same exceeds the terms of the present paper fails for later or for the curious reader research of concern.
In this case, knowing already the subject on which I will review the protocol I will circulate the government and provoked a series of controversies over interpretation of Article 86 veteran of the Criminal Code of Argentina. Thus this protocol is to be comprehensive and cover all cases of rape which would be nice if it had been articulated in a more consistent and tailored to the reality we live every day in our country.
At this point such a protocol or guide establishes first non-punishable abortions, understanding it as such those where real and present danger the life of a woman and no other means other than abortion. It may well be performed in order to avoid the above danger to the lives of women and in both cases, there should be appropriate medical study. Continuing
, and this is where the dispute occurs, allows abortion for all cases of rape and cases of indecent assault of a female idiot or insane. As you see this guide bisects the interpretation of clause 2 that Article 86 of the Code of the Fund with the sole purpose of covering all unwanted pregnancy cases arise from a violation by
The treaty thus far does not lead to more questions because in everything is located within the legal logic that makes the solution of the problem as demand will always have the medical opinion to ensure the existence of danger to the life of the pregnant woman to continue her pregnancy or the pregnancy is within the categories of idiot or insane. However
the case of rape of a woman who is not within the categories mentioned the biggest problem occurs in response to this guidance only requires affidavit of violation or the relevant police or judicial complaint on the subject. This is where we should establish the scope and convenience of an affidavit or a simple complaint. With regard to the affidavit must establish that it will only be viable when women use their full authority to tell the truth and actually become pregnant by the activity of one or more offenders for which occurs while the medical abortion responsible should the necessary means for the preservation of the fetus for possible future tests that must be done about it. Do not forget that case, the rape, a crime for acting physician should notify the police or justice on the illicit production. Subsequently, women who have abortions should provide all the necessary considerations about the identity of the perpetrators and the circumstances in which the crime occurred and was reported origin of abortion.
With regard to the complaint, whether judicial or police should follow the usual procedures and I'm not so sure that this instrument will serve per se to have an abortion because in this case acts a competent judge who will be entitled to consent or not abortion in question and is in my belief that knowing the existence of a judge to consider the crime any doctor can act without his consent, do not forget that this guide is only an administrative tool that can not by itself change the letter of the law which must be made through constitutional mechanisms that we live in a state of law.
The letter talks about the criminalization of abortion not drifting in the doctor's responsibility to decide if the case is mild or not within the budgets of non-criminality. I believe that the doctor can determine if there is a danger to the life of the pregnant woman is raped or not, but never able to establish whether the affidavit is based on truth or simply a mechanism to hide the need for abortion through pregnancy unwanted sexual relationship based on a voluntary and loved. This is the main point of controversy because if the pregnant woman lies the doctor not only an abortion banned by law but the woman requesting the abortion by affidavit based on false facts incur invented the crimes envisaged by Articles 85 and 88 of the Code of the Fund. Being realistic and recognizing it drives our society and the lack of consensus on the issue and the exact moment in which sex should occur in addition to the existing taboos about single mothers it is likely that most of the affidavits melt on false facts and cover up only the unwanted abortion by law.
The solution must be found, certainly in Congressional activity aimed at modifying the law that prohibits abortion accompanied by dissent or social consensus in a civilized manner and openly religious or moral be asked to discuss the inappropriateness or appropriateness of the solution abortion. Signed

. Dr. Luis Maria Simpson
ID No. 13,801,293
MAT. T º 37 F º 955 CPACF T º 20 F º 453 CASI


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