The explosive shows a young artist, Maia Debowicz, faces facing the problem of consumerism psicofámarcos, dependence that generated mostly in women, the business of laboratories and pharmacies. Playing with the seduction that generate quick fixes, pills, canisters, the kit appear as objects of consumption that generate the public to the temptation to take home. All a metaphor for the siren song that promises to erase the marks of life with a pill and nothing else. By Moira Soto
AMNESIA. Sculptural object Persephone resina.Estaba cutting MDF and a daffodil, maybe a lily in the meadow of Enna, other traditions state that was in Arcadia, when the earth opened and her uncle Hades, who abducted into the world of the Hells. Demeter, maternal Goddess of the Earth, he heard the terrible cry of his daughter to disappear into the abyss. Desperate, he began to look night and day for nine days in which he neither ate nor drank nor changed their clothes, carrying a lighted torch in each hand. To relieve the pain that oppressed his heart and sleep, Demeter ate poppy, and continued his tireless research without find any trace of her beloved Persephone. Outraged, he decided to stay on Earth and give up his divine role until her daughter was returned. Some time later, before the sterility of the land that produced such abdication negotiated Zeus Hades Persephone finally able to divide their time between Hell and his mother. As Hypnos, the god of sleep and son of Night, Demeter was represented by the Greeks with a wreath of poppies.
Since ancient times, humans turned to painkillers, narcotics, natural euphoric. The opium poppy, in particular, was present among the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians ... This plant, which the clever Greeks took from the Black Sea coast, several alkaloids are derived and their applications were varied through the centuries, including medicine. Apparently, Pliny the Younger (military, writer, scientist Roman, 61-113, AD) gives the name of juice obtained from opium poppy capsules, whose effects are certainly more powerful than those of lime, lemon balm or valerian. In the past, pain balm Demeter knew compete with mandrake and henbane sleeping pill in his actions ...
was more than a thousand years, much more, and in the 50s of the 20th century a man named Leo Sternbach, an exile in the United States, began to play with those substances used to make in Krakow, for the dye industry artificial benzodiazepines. But the lab had asked him antibiotics because a lot of output. Sternbach gave them what they wanted but still experiencing with molecules and after some tests, such as 0690, gave birth in 1963, a new substance on the basis of diazepam, which was launched under the name of Valium (Latin valere, be strong), and in 1965, the Rolling Stone allusion to the song "Mother's Little Helper" ... On those dates were in vogue and amphetamines, stimulants considered simple, yet counter. In the '70s, the Valium was accompanied or rather rivaled other anxiolytics whose use was widespread, with generic names of drugs (Bromazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Diazepam) and names depending on the laboratory which manufactures (Lexotanil, Trapax, Alplax, Tranquinal, etc.). The Clonazepan (Rivotril), meanwhile, antiepileptic, very à la page in the last decade, and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), a hypnotic, were upscale. All legal drugs circulation even in our country, and almost everyone with prescription on file. Which does not mean that the Argentina many people find the way to self-medicate, either through the corner pharmacist who "trust" pending the alleged prescription, and tugging at his sleeve to a friendly doctor who does not cost to renew the passport to sedation, sleep, good humor. For '90 came hot on the Prozac to give encouragement to depressed people. The drug of the century, supposedly without side effects. Punishment of love, work problems, stress from moving, important duels, everything feels less Fluoxetine (Prozac).
THE DURATION OF RELIEF. Purpose of acrylic jars filled with psychotropic drug with LED illuminated ATTENUATED EMOTIONS, UNIT GUARANTEED
On the first floor of the Centro Cultural Recoleta, the sample Silence is clearly noticed by its subject, its colors, its audacity. Sculptural objects and installations belong to a very young artist, Maia Debowicz (24), which was formed by Rodrigo Alonso, Laura Messing, Julio Sanchez Fabiana Barreda, William Roux, and others / as teachers. This exhibition was curated by Mindy Lahitte (28), cultural manager who left to pursue political science to visual arts. Works in Galerie Overview and Project Central, also in management areas (Buenos Aires Photo, Art BA.) On this occasion, worked closely with Debowicz Lahitte, sharing the focus of the artist about abuse and dependence of psychoactive drugs in search of positive effects to meet the harsh demands and emotional labor in today's world, "said the curator writes in the sample text. "We look to the consumption of pills under the pressure of imperative socially integrated ... Prolonged use leads to addiction, the responsiveness is modified, to dampen the emotions .... Feel anxiety, be anxious, sad, pain is now considered altered states of being. Life became a challenge too threatening and happiness is a synthetic construction. "Maia
itself accompanies as a guide in a tour Las12 sample Silence, by the comment of the exhibits:" The first thing see is 'Amnesia', sculptural object that represents a huge eraser type Stadler, actually a Prozac 20 mg. The chosen form refers to the side effects of the drug, one of which is to erase the memory areas. Then we hung two pieces that work together: two tablets of Valium greatly exaggerated size -60 inches in diameter, "two sides of the same coin: on one hand, the logo of Roche, on the other, the name of the pill. 'Industry of control', is called the first, and 'What is the size it should have a pad to mute the heart? ", The second. Obviously, the answer is that no amount is reached once the unit is installed. In other words, Valium may numb feelings, deny them from an artificial place, but not cancel them altogether. By working with the extension, it seemed an incredible paradox that the center of the pill had a heart-shaped vacuum stylized, of course, refers to the V of his name. As in previous work, 'kit' playing with enlarged scales, from a small first aid box I got at a pharmacy. In any home emergency kit has alcohol, cotton, bandages, aspirin ... The sample kit is for 'help' from the emotional and is chock full of pills. I wanted to give the impression that it will explode because that is the feeling of a person with abstinence. The box also symbolizes the body of a dependent person where, if without his psychotropic medication, it feels outside, unprotected. So many try to save. In the lineup of pharmacy with the legend that flashes Open, held out the classical cross to evoke the classic image of the funerals, funeral notices, can be associated with an invitation to death and is called 'professional secrecy', is about that in many pharmacies, when I explain how you feel, sometimes you sell anxiolytics, antidepressants without a prescription, over-consumption of medicines generated impressive profits. Multiply the malls that combine drugs and beauty products for women, ie, other commands, other agencies. "
Debowicz goes on to describe other creations included in the exhibition: "'Emergency Exit' is an installation with the known rectangular plastic pill organize the week, with pills inside. The pill form the word Exit, you do not need much explanation: psychotropic drugs as a way out of trouble, fast. Every week, every month, all the drug is consumed, all those tablets will be within a person: the chemical agenda. I noticed, being in the sample without letting me know which part of the audience this work led him feel like taking pills, including many people stole some ... 'What's a person empty' is a wall installation that mimics the formation of a molecule drug fluoxetine-Prozac-drawn with their own pills. The title, of course, refers to a person emptied of their true emotions, their reflections, playing with the language of the laboratory: the pill as a support to build, it is sometimes the opposite. The duration of relief is a small project, an acrylic box filled with vials containing aligned to take tablets every day for a month. Is all the arsenal: the anxiolytic, antidepressant, the sleep aid ... In these vials, are changing the different pills and quantity, representing the variations will indicate the psychiatrist ... The instability of the quality and quantity of drugs related to the emotional instability of this or that patient, their demand for more drugs. This case turns on and off with a certain rhythm, the twinkling lights symbolize the fleeting duration of effect of the pills. The object-installation 'Only $ 1 for happiness' is a vending machine, a work that interacts with the public. A machine that looks like there used to be in kiosks or gaming sites, with capsules that brought surprises: toys, gum, the ball bouncing. The idea is to play with the easy access to the pills is, marketing that promotes itself as harmless candy. Then a weight, people will take part in the work. What you get is a benefit of a civil partnership that works with the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital Garcia Tobar, a symbolic support for the program take care nursing. We liked the idea of \u200b\u200bgender as well as reflection, this small gesture of solidarity and also disseminate this program that offers alternative treatments to medication pure. "
That gesture of putting the money to get a pill, do not imply the risk of being an incentive for people addicted, those who steal the pill? Maia
Debowicz: "There is that risk, which is linked to the seduction surrounding the pills. The object I am using to build the work produced from the visual appeal, it is highlighted. Moreover, this machine evokes a childhood memory, perhaps magical thinking. For me, the works have to be aesthetic, beyond the subject matter. That 'just 1 $...' cause in some people's desire pill is nothing but a test of dependency caused by them.
Almost from the outset, your work is featured in this issue of illusory being achieved through chemicals.
-Aside from the issue of psychotropic drugs, self-medication and reliance, I want to talk superficiality of current feelings. Heart seems to have bothered, it's almost an enemy: an impediment to success, to fulfill ambitions, have power. My great concern is the health business, not help noticing that there are other elements that are not chemical but are mute emotions and addiction. Previously, I 'Pop Psychology', 'The Last Supper', 'The happiness pill': the second is a precursor to Silence. I worked in that work the subject of suicide, I toyed with the idea of \u200b\u200bSunday, the day of the week where more pills are consumed and the suicide rate is highest worldwide. The day the vacuum, the stifling of emotions is more difficult to bear. In the dishes that I put on the table, containing only pills, wore a gray scale, ranging from white to black. I have much attachment to 'The Last Supper' is a hinge for me, I changed the registration of construction work took me to clean more essential, a cooling process. If the above sample I referred to people addicted to such drugs, in the present, Silence, I focus to the originators and foster this dependence, labs, pharmacies. Any trigger
took you so young, to take charge of similar problems?
"In my teens, because of a family, I saw many private psychiatric situations, I met many professionals. Observed a significant abuse to the body, heart, head. Repeated violence on the decisions for the patient. I witnessed and later, when I order a little my ideas and emotions, that picture looked a little distance, looking at what happened in a wider circle, running from the personal. The topic of psychoactive drugs appear in the media, making it naturally, the famous saying about your favorite pills, as something to glamorous. All this while considering that severe diseases require the use of these drugs. I am referring to the indiscriminate use, denial of the side effects ...
How was working with the curator Mindy Lahitte in the current sample of Recoleta?
She accompanied the process of creation. The sample would have been different without their input. I am very grateful for his humanity, sensitivity and artistic and social commitment. Mindy agree with the idea that, in conceptual art, the viewer must be integrated, is a fundamental part of the work complete. She encourages the participation since its curator, from the way they communicate through text.
ignore the seriousness of the issue to deploy in Silence, there is indirect humor that runs the show, which facilitates the approach.
"Yes, it is ironic, I want to create that attraction, I think it's a way to discuss and communicate ideas. Is not the same watching a black melodrama in the film, a comedy drama with a pitch of filters you concerns with a smile and also allows you to go further in the proposals. I'm not making a documentary cold but giving a metaphorical vision of a situation. Moreover, the irony and humor are part of my way of being and living, I can not deny or conceal.
-Many: teen was followed by the Malba and I stopped in the work of Victor Grippo, "Tables", was a trigger to create "The Last Supper." León Ferrari inspires me too, for his work and his humility as an artist, freedom and youthfulness of spirit. Daniel Ontiveros particularly interested me. Another local artist who worked around the issue medications, Alejandro Kuropatwa: it shows the tablet as something that appeals for relief from elsewhere, from AIDS. From the outside, and in passing, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst. I like Jenny Holzer and other female artists in that line.
Although not explicitly show it in silence, it appears from your works you know and you care that women are majority in this dependence on psychoactive drugs.
"I'm glad you note because I know I have it in mind. I think women have to face today many more demands and pressures than men. On the other hand, in the workplace is frowned upon expression of the sensitivity of women, are discriminated against in regard to their emotions, they are disqualified, are not allowed, women are considered a flaw ... There goes to carve psychotropic drugs, the appeasement of emotions.
EMPTY CONTENTS OF A PERSON. Installation Drawing Fluoxetine molecule psychoactive drugs on wall built QUIETENING, calm, relax, sleep ...
local statistics reflect what is happening, with slight variations, worldwide: between medication and self-medicated population, women are the biggest consumers of tranquilizers, while men tend to stimulants. Stylelife calls have flooded the market drugs drug, sales rise steadily, something like what happens with self-help books: most women in pursuit of a restricted artificial paradise, an illusory peace away from anxiety, distress or despair. At the head of legal drugs, sold under the counter or prescription, alprazolam and clonazepam.
"While substances have accompanied mankind since its origins, there is now a naturalized consumption of psychotropic drugs, which seem to be available to anyone. A trivialization of use, people who take benzodiazepines as if such a thing, because they happen, "says Dr. John Vasen, psychoanalyst, child psychiatrist, a former teacher in pharmacology, medical Children and Tobar Garcia Hospital. "As for the female-intensive, I think we should consider the new place of women in social and professional life, which seeks to demands, expectations, ideals to which we want to respond at different levels: the familiar, professional, add aesthetic. Anxiety to achieve some success, stress and frustration at not getting it leads many women to resort to sedatives. Two generations ago, a married woman bear a huge amount of frustration and hardship in her love life, and generally stayed in the mold. Today, things have changed: a woman who is unhappy in her marriage is not easily bank: reaction, protest spreads. There is an attitude more and more autonomous, less condescending in women: I'm not going to come to discover in this supplement all that hard to be recognized in the labor front, stand, while they can not neglect the domestic level, exercise Maternity, which the kids are successful. Because also there is less tolerance of failure, the difficulties of boys. There are many sources of anxiety. This is what I see in the consultation of women as mothers. "
According to John, you always have to get serious side effects of psychotropic drugs," although in the case of anxiolytics its importance is relative, has to do especially with the emotional dependency they create. And the problem does not solve any psychotropic substance, should never be used as one tool to address certain situations. Antidepressant side effects more complicated, as well as hypnotics. In all cases, it is appropriate to be given psychotropic drugs or by the physician and compliance with the time of use: they must be part of a therapeutic strategy in which the social, cultural, time is met. In the hospital, we are trying to dislodge the children of the syndromes and labels of not addressing problems early with psychotropic drugs. "
Without being alarmist, the professional interviewed strongly recommends the use judicious, limited, of psychoactive drugs in specific situations in which drugs act symptomatically, "I understand that and we are opposed to-use consumer and this is not a minor aspect- esponsorisado of them repeatedly. The laboratories that produce them, driving a messianic logic and rationality commercial and impose the proposed "solution" more as exclusionary as a valuable resource. Your advertising is so seductive discharged on the professionals. But also be exercised in a way too persuasive on a population-parents, teachers, whose grief drives it, understandably, desire for quick solutions to conflicts, failures, rejections. Although this is not the focus of this note, it is warning about the increase in our country for the sale of psychotropic drugs to children, led by methylphenidate, whose consumption quadrupled between 1994 and 1999 (Ritalin MR), even though the frequency its indication remains more restricted in countries like Chile and the United States. "
opportune moment than now, then, for the presentation of Silence, "a show that seeks to reconcile mobilizing" in the words of curator Mindy Lahitte. "Art rebukes you for your own comfort. And if that comfort is in the pill consumed piacere buffer, the effect may be more disturbing. And the eye that is not to suggest that psychotropic drugs should be eradicated. Not at all: under strict control in patients with serious illnesses may be the only way to stabilize them. But we are surrounded by people who for a moment of non-banks stress, a drop of mind, the anguish of a loss or insomnia problem, start eating, they become addicted, increase the dose, taking the easy way. I think this show can shoot many ideas, reactions, hopefully, some layouts, some thoughts. "
Silence, sculptural objects and installations Debowicz Maia, Recoleta Cultural Center, Room 11, Junín 1930, until 4 July.
The explosive shows a young artist, Maia Debowicz, faces facing the problem of consumerism psicofámarcos, dependence that generated mostly in women, the business of laboratories and pharmacies. Playing with the seduction that generate quick fixes, pills, canisters, the kit appear as objects of consumption that generate the public to the temptation to take home. All a metaphor for the siren song that promises to erase the marks of life with a pill and nothing else. By Moira Soto
AMNESIA. Sculptural object Persephone resina.Estaba cutting MDF and a daffodil, maybe a lily in the meadow of Enna, other traditions state that was in Arcadia, when the earth opened and her uncle Hades, who abducted into the world of the Hells. Demeter, maternal Goddess of the Earth, he heard the terrible cry of his daughter to disappear into the abyss. Desperate, he began to look night and day for nine days in which he neither ate nor drank nor changed their clothes, carrying a lighted torch in each hand. To relieve the pain that oppressed his heart and sleep, Demeter ate poppy, and continued his tireless research without find any trace of her beloved Persephone. Outraged, he decided to stay on Earth and give up his divine role until her daughter was returned. Some time later, before the sterility of the land that produced such abdication negotiated Zeus Hades Persephone finally able to divide their time between Hell and his mother. As Hypnos, the god of sleep and son of Night, Demeter was represented by the Greeks with a wreath of poppies.
Since ancient times, humans turned to painkillers, narcotics, natural euphoric. The opium poppy, in particular, was present among the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians ... This plant, which the clever Greeks took from the Black Sea coast, several alkaloids are derived and their applications were varied through the centuries, including medicine. Apparently, Pliny the Younger (military, writer, scientist Roman, 61-113, AD) gives the name of juice obtained from opium poppy capsules, whose effects are certainly more powerful than those of lime, lemon balm or valerian. In the past, pain balm Demeter knew compete with mandrake and henbane sleeping pill in his actions ...
was more than a thousand years, much more, and in the 50s of the 20th century a man named Leo Sternbach, an exile in the United States, began to play with those substances used to make in Krakow, for the dye industry artificial benzodiazepines. But the lab had asked him antibiotics because a lot of output. Sternbach gave them what they wanted but still experiencing with molecules and after some tests, such as 0690, gave birth in 1963, a new substance on the basis of diazepam, which was launched under the name of Valium (Latin valere, be strong), and in 1965, the Rolling Stone allusion to the song "Mother's Little Helper" ... On those dates were in vogue and amphetamines, stimulants considered simple, yet counter. In the '70s, the Valium was accompanied or rather rivaled other anxiolytics whose use was widespread, with generic names of drugs (Bromazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Diazepam) and names depending on the laboratory which manufactures (Lexotanil, Trapax, Alplax, Tranquinal, etc.). The Clonazepan (Rivotril), meanwhile, antiepileptic, very à la page in the last decade, and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), a hypnotic, were upscale. All legal drugs circulation even in our country, and almost everyone with prescription on file. Which does not mean that the Argentina many people find the way to self-medicate, either through the corner pharmacist who "trust" pending the alleged prescription, and tugging at his sleeve to a friendly doctor who does not cost to renew the passport to sedation, sleep, good humor. For '90 came hot on the Prozac to give encouragement to depressed people. The drug of the century, supposedly without side effects. Punishment of love, work problems, stress from moving, important duels, everything feels less Fluoxetine (Prozac).
THE DURATION OF RELIEF. Purpose of acrylic jars filled with psychotropic drug with LED illuminated ATTENUATED EMOTIONS, UNIT GUARANTEED
On the first floor of the Centro Cultural Recoleta, the sample Silence is clearly noticed by its subject, its colors, its audacity. Sculptural objects and installations belong to a very young artist, Maia Debowicz (24), which was formed by Rodrigo Alonso, Laura Messing, Julio Sanchez Fabiana Barreda, William Roux, and others / as teachers. This exhibition was curated by Mindy Lahitte (28), cultural manager who left to pursue political science to visual arts. Works in Galerie Overview and Project Central, also in management areas (Buenos Aires Photo, Art BA.) On this occasion, worked closely with Debowicz Lahitte, sharing the focus of the artist about abuse and dependence of psychoactive drugs in search of positive effects to meet the harsh demands and emotional labor in today's world, "said the curator writes in the sample text. "We look to the consumption of pills under the pressure of imperative socially integrated ... Prolonged use leads to addiction, the responsiveness is modified, to dampen the emotions .... Feel anxiety, be anxious, sad, pain is now considered altered states of being. Life became a challenge too threatening and happiness is a synthetic construction. "Maia
itself accompanies as a guide in a tour Las12 sample Silence, by the comment of the exhibits:" The first thing see is 'Amnesia', sculptural object that represents a huge eraser type Stadler, actually a Prozac 20 mg. The chosen form refers to the side effects of the drug, one of which is to erase the memory areas. Then we hung two pieces that work together: two tablets of Valium greatly exaggerated size -60 inches in diameter, "two sides of the same coin: on one hand, the logo of Roche, on the other, the name of the pill. 'Industry of control', is called the first, and 'What is the size it should have a pad to mute the heart? ", The second. Obviously, the answer is that no amount is reached once the unit is installed. In other words, Valium may numb feelings, deny them from an artificial place, but not cancel them altogether. By working with the extension, it seemed an incredible paradox that the center of the pill had a heart-shaped vacuum stylized, of course, refers to the V of his name. As in previous work, 'kit' playing with enlarged scales, from a small first aid box I got at a pharmacy. In any home emergency kit has alcohol, cotton, bandages, aspirin ... The sample kit is for 'help' from the emotional and is chock full of pills. I wanted to give the impression that it will explode because that is the feeling of a person with abstinence. The box also symbolizes the body of a dependent person where, if without his psychotropic medication, it feels outside, unprotected. So many try to save. In the lineup of pharmacy with the legend that flashes Open, held out the classical cross to evoke the classic image of the funerals, funeral notices, can be associated with an invitation to death and is called 'professional secrecy', is about that in many pharmacies, when I explain how you feel, sometimes you sell anxiolytics, antidepressants without a prescription, over-consumption of medicines generated impressive profits. Multiply the malls that combine drugs and beauty products for women, ie, other commands, other agencies. "
Debowicz goes on to describe other creations included in the exhibition: "'Emergency Exit' is an installation with the known rectangular plastic pill organize the week, with pills inside. The pill form the word Exit, you do not need much explanation: psychotropic drugs as a way out of trouble, fast. Every week, every month, all the drug is consumed, all those tablets will be within a person: the chemical agenda. I noticed, being in the sample without letting me know which part of the audience this work led him feel like taking pills, including many people stole some ... 'What's a person empty' is a wall installation that mimics the formation of a molecule drug fluoxetine-Prozac-drawn with their own pills. The title, of course, refers to a person emptied of their true emotions, their reflections, playing with the language of the laboratory: the pill as a support to build, it is sometimes the opposite. The duration of relief is a small project, an acrylic box filled with vials containing aligned to take tablets every day for a month. Is all the arsenal: the anxiolytic, antidepressant, the sleep aid ... In these vials, are changing the different pills and quantity, representing the variations will indicate the psychiatrist ... The instability of the quality and quantity of drugs related to the emotional instability of this or that patient, their demand for more drugs. This case turns on and off with a certain rhythm, the twinkling lights symbolize the fleeting duration of effect of the pills. The object-installation 'Only $ 1 for happiness' is a vending machine, a work that interacts with the public. A machine that looks like there used to be in kiosks or gaming sites, with capsules that brought surprises: toys, gum, the ball bouncing. The idea is to play with the easy access to the pills is, marketing that promotes itself as harmless candy. Then a weight, people will take part in the work. What you get is a benefit of a civil partnership that works with the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital Garcia Tobar, a symbolic support for the program take care nursing. We liked the idea of \u200b\u200bgender as well as reflection, this small gesture of solidarity and also disseminate this program that offers alternative treatments to medication pure. "
That gesture of putting the money to get a pill, do not imply the risk of being an incentive for people addicted, those who steal the pill? Maia
Debowicz: "There is that risk, which is linked to the seduction surrounding the pills. The object I am using to build the work produced from the visual appeal, it is highlighted. Moreover, this machine evokes a childhood memory, perhaps magical thinking. For me, the works have to be aesthetic, beyond the subject matter. That 'just 1 $...' cause in some people's desire pill is nothing but a test of dependency caused by them.
Almost from the outset, your work is featured in this issue of illusory being achieved through chemicals.
-Aside from the issue of psychotropic drugs, self-medication and reliance, I want to talk superficiality of current feelings. Heart seems to have bothered, it's almost an enemy: an impediment to success, to fulfill ambitions, have power. My great concern is the health business, not help noticing that there are other elements that are not chemical but are mute emotions and addiction. Previously, I 'Pop Psychology', 'The Last Supper', 'The happiness pill': the second is a precursor to Silence. I worked in that work the subject of suicide, I toyed with the idea of \u200b\u200bSunday, the day of the week where more pills are consumed and the suicide rate is highest worldwide. The day the vacuum, the stifling of emotions is more difficult to bear. In the dishes that I put on the table, containing only pills, wore a gray scale, ranging from white to black. I have much attachment to 'The Last Supper' is a hinge for me, I changed the registration of construction work took me to clean more essential, a cooling process. If the above sample I referred to people addicted to such drugs, in the present, Silence, I focus to the originators and foster this dependence, labs, pharmacies. Any trigger
took you so young, to take charge of similar problems?
"In my teens, because of a family, I saw many private psychiatric situations, I met many professionals. Observed a significant abuse to the body, heart, head. Repeated violence on the decisions for the patient. I witnessed and later, when I order a little my ideas and emotions, that picture looked a little distance, looking at what happened in a wider circle, running from the personal. The topic of psychoactive drugs appear in the media, making it naturally, the famous saying about your favorite pills, as something to glamorous. All this while considering that severe diseases require the use of these drugs. I am referring to the indiscriminate use, denial of the side effects ...
How was working with the curator Mindy Lahitte in the current sample of Recoleta?
She accompanied the process of creation. The sample would have been different without their input. I am very grateful for his humanity, sensitivity and artistic and social commitment. Mindy agree with the idea that, in conceptual art, the viewer must be integrated, is a fundamental part of the work complete. She encourages the participation since its curator, from the way they communicate through text.
ignore the seriousness of the issue to deploy in Silence, there is indirect humor that runs the show, which facilitates the approach.
"Yes, it is ironic, I want to create that attraction, I think it's a way to discuss and communicate ideas. Is not the same watching a black melodrama in the film, a comedy drama with a pitch of filters you concerns with a smile and also allows you to go further in the proposals. I'm not making a documentary cold but giving a metaphorical vision of a situation. Moreover, the irony and humor are part of my way of being and living, I can not deny or conceal.
-Many: teen was followed by the Malba and I stopped in the work of Victor Grippo, "Tables", was a trigger to create "The Last Supper." León Ferrari inspires me too, for his work and his humility as an artist, freedom and youthfulness of spirit. Daniel Ontiveros particularly interested me. Another local artist who worked around the issue medications, Alejandro Kuropatwa: it shows the tablet as something that appeals for relief from elsewhere, from AIDS. From the outside, and in passing, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst. I like Jenny Holzer and other female artists in that line.
Although not explicitly show it in silence, it appears from your works you know and you care that women are majority in this dependence on psychoactive drugs.
"I'm glad you note because I know I have it in mind. I think women have to face today many more demands and pressures than men. On the other hand, in the workplace is frowned upon expression of the sensitivity of women, are discriminated against in regard to their emotions, they are disqualified, are not allowed, women are considered a flaw ... There goes to carve psychotropic drugs, the appeasement of emotions.
EMPTY CONTENTS OF A PERSON. Installation Drawing Fluoxetine molecule psychoactive drugs on wall built QUIETENING, calm, relax, sleep ...
local statistics reflect what is happening, with slight variations, worldwide: between medication and self-medicated population, women are the biggest consumers of tranquilizers, while men tend to stimulants. Stylelife calls have flooded the market drugs drug, sales rise steadily, something like what happens with self-help books: most women in pursuit of a restricted artificial paradise, an illusory peace away from anxiety, distress or despair. At the head of legal drugs, sold under the counter or prescription, alprazolam and clonazepam.
"While substances have accompanied mankind since its origins, there is now a naturalized consumption of psychotropic drugs, which seem to be available to anyone. A trivialization of use, people who take benzodiazepines as if such a thing, because they happen, "says Dr. John Vasen, psychoanalyst, child psychiatrist, a former teacher in pharmacology, medical Children and Tobar Garcia Hospital. "As for the female-intensive, I think we should consider the new place of women in social and professional life, which seeks to demands, expectations, ideals to which we want to respond at different levels: the familiar, professional, add aesthetic. Anxiety to achieve some success, stress and frustration at not getting it leads many women to resort to sedatives. Two generations ago, a married woman bear a huge amount of frustration and hardship in her love life, and generally stayed in the mold. Today, things have changed: a woman who is unhappy in her marriage is not easily bank: reaction, protest spreads. There is an attitude more and more autonomous, less condescending in women: I'm not going to come to discover in this supplement all that hard to be recognized in the labor front, stand, while they can not neglect the domestic level, exercise Maternity, which the kids are successful. Because also there is less tolerance of failure, the difficulties of boys. There are many sources of anxiety. This is what I see in the consultation of women as mothers. "
According to John, you always have to get serious side effects of psychotropic drugs," although in the case of anxiolytics its importance is relative, has to do especially with the emotional dependency they create. And the problem does not solve any psychotropic substance, should never be used as one tool to address certain situations. Antidepressant side effects more complicated, as well as hypnotics. In all cases, it is appropriate to be given psychotropic drugs or by the physician and compliance with the time of use: they must be part of a therapeutic strategy in which the social, cultural, time is met. In the hospital, we are trying to dislodge the children of the syndromes and labels of not addressing problems early with psychotropic drugs. "
Without being alarmist, the professional interviewed strongly recommends the use judicious, limited, of psychoactive drugs in specific situations in which drugs act symptomatically, "I understand that and we are opposed to-use consumer and this is not a minor aspect- esponsorisado of them repeatedly. The laboratories that produce them, driving a messianic logic and rationality commercial and impose the proposed "solution" more as exclusionary as a valuable resource. Your advertising is so seductive discharged on the professionals. But also be exercised in a way too persuasive on a population-parents, teachers, whose grief drives it, understandably, desire for quick solutions to conflicts, failures, rejections. Although this is not the focus of this note, it is warning about the increase in our country for the sale of psychotropic drugs to children, led by methylphenidate, whose consumption quadrupled between 1994 and 1999 (Ritalin MR), even though the frequency its indication remains more restricted in countries like Chile and the United States. "
opportune moment than now, then, for the presentation of Silence, "a show that seeks to reconcile mobilizing" in the words of curator Mindy Lahitte. "Art rebukes you for your own comfort. And if that comfort is in the pill consumed piacere buffer, the effect may be more disturbing. And the eye that is not to suggest that psychotropic drugs should be eradicated. Not at all: under strict control in patients with serious illnesses may be the only way to stabilize them. But we are surrounded by people who for a moment of non-banks stress, a drop of mind, the anguish of a loss or insomnia problem, start eating, they become addicted, increase the dose, taking the easy way. I think this show can shoot many ideas, reactions, hopefully, some layouts, some thoughts. "
Silence, sculptural objects and installations Debowicz Maia, Recoleta Cultural Center, Room 11, Junín 1930, until 4 July.
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