Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stsrting Money For Pokemon Monopoly

The external front / Debate in an international organization
crucial Management in Paris by washing
A government delegation traveled to soften a report of FATF experts and try to reduce the risk of ending up in the "gray list"

Hugo Alconada Mon

French Connection. That is the goal of a delegation of 15 to 20 technicians and experts from different areas of the state, who traveled to Paris to meet this week a key body. Shall reduce the harshness of a report that could lead Argentina to the "gray list" of countries with no real political will to combat money laundering.

The process can bring the country on that list is long. But the first step, the draft of that report, and adverse outcomes rebuild the nation as six high official and private sources. They agreed that the second step, in France, will be "hard", "complicated" and "tortuous."

In Paris, the coordinator of Argentina to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Alejandro Strega, will lead the group to negotiate with the expert mission which visited the country in November and produced a "very tough" draft for Argentina, such THE NATION as anticipated in mid-April, which the Government sought to refute.

quantitative balance of this review is, however, striking: about 49 "Recommendations" which evaluates the FATF anti-money laundering, experts concluded that the Argentina international failed 24, 22 others partially met, met mostly only recognized 2 and 1 as completely fulfilled.

measured with a prism qualitative balance is also very negative. Tallied 16 recommendations "nuclear" and "key" - core and key, as they are known in the scene-laundering, unfulfilled or only partially fulfilled. And to enter the danger zone just recorded ten of these recommendations in these conditions.

From the Government's response to the query of the nation was ambivalent. On the one hand, acknowledged that the discussion with experts will be difficult. "In a review, you can fight and move 3 to 4 or 5 maximum. But never jump from 2 to 8 ", exemplified by a senior official.

However, the authorities also contextualize the situation. They argue that other countries in the region face similar criticism or review, Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay, were in tightrope-o-Uruguay-Ecuador fare worse.

Since the government also hoped that the draft expressed the "strongest position" of the evaluators, who then surrendered at various points to show their "good will "and no" animosity "with Argentina.

Under the microscope were different areas of the state. So the president's entourage up Unit (FIU), José Sbattella, the expert from the National Securities Commission (CNV), Alba Avila Quintana, his pair of Central Bank (BCRA), Delia Cortelletti, and more of the Chancellery and the Ministry Economy.

"methodological flaws"
The journey of the holder of the Tax Research Unit Money Laundering Plee Raul, came under discussion. Esteban Righi Attorney-evaluated if authorized and paid for his trip, since the unit was outside the mission critical, but from a broader view, a substantial critical is the total lack of convictions in cases of money laundering.

Strega, meanwhile, has already sent its reply to the draft. He criticized what he called "serious methodological flaws." Among other reasons, because it cites the dismissal of Martin Redrado as president of the BCRA, even though their fall took place after the expiration of the time frame should respect the report. Strega

known to weather storms. Last February, the then Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana announced to the full of his peers during the summit that he had "moved" after a complaint from Ecuador, but not in detail to avoid major problems in image of Argentina to the FATF.

In its reply, which also marked Strega considered different parameters to evaluate different countries. For example, it scored much worse in Argentina than in Germany under the item on law against terrorist financing, even if the rules are similar.

"If you accept changes to the draft, will be displayed for the expertise that Argentine officials for changes and sensitivity to show the evaluators," predicted a source aware of the talks that following this meeting in Paris, will be defined in October at the "full FATF." If Argentina remains there for ten or more core and key recommendations in red, enter into the process that can lead, after a year in the "gray list" of countries AML without political will.

For all that, will determine the FATF Plenary in October and before, which now takes place in France. "There [in full] also may tweak this draft until the last moment, but will be more complicated because of the technical discussion will be added political calculations," La Nacion said one of the sources. "The whole is more like a Roman circus quipped. All against all. So what happens is key now in Paris."


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