Sunday, February 6, 2011

Does Dog Balls Get Purple


Brothers, sisters, now is not a step in a developmental stage to another, but that is a jump from one dimension to another, it is called Quantum Leap, because in the previous changes evolution of human beings, it has always remained with DNA based on the element carbon, and in this third dimension, is now changing its DNA to the element silicon, quartz glass base, the DNA crystal, a periodic table of chemical elements, you will see that the element carbon element silicon, is, eight steps, one octave higher, ie a quantum leap, this happens when the atom undergoes a change due to forces "outside", to "force" to mutate internally, and hence This structural transformation, changing their morphology to other elements.
The light particles, called photons, would be causing this change in the atom of matter.
The ascension is the exact response to events, situations, changes, fluctuations and stadiums, the Earth, Being Human and all who live there are feeling and perceiving today.
ascension is not mystical or esoteric, or shamanism, and witchcraft, or something religious (whatever your religion), or complex, neither scientific nor historical, much less prophetic, divine punishment or not is not divine, not even a fluke, not a miracle, or chaotic, or experimental, and finally, is not something you can stop, is not that should be feared and not something that is compulsory, when you have free will.
Ascension is a cosmic cycle, which happens and is always represented in every region, place, space, time and certain part of the universe ... Nothing escapes ascension, or beings, or creatures, or objects, or different energies, is a cyclical spiral upward, based on octaves and harmonic energy lighting sequences Light and Love

Ascension is a way upshift, step by step you closer to the eternal source of love, is any name you give him, because the climb is color, race, creed, religion, status, sizes and ages.
The ascent does not start in 2012 or in its Winter Solstice December 22 of that year, as the Ascension is present, here and now, on Earth, started back eons in time when life was conceived in the universe.
Ascension is Composed of endless upward spiral movements, each movement, culminating in its previous cycle spiral, which ends its course, every 26,000 years or so, at least ascension to us in this tiny part of our galaxy where our solar system, almost over its present spiral motion through the twelve zodiacal constellations, and that's when you configure a new spiral of evolution, which is the sequence of the above, only an octave higher (such as musical scales: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si) higher vibrational frequency, or more conscious awareness in humans and creatures that are currently experiencing life here.
is not the same ascent, that a new upward spiral, because the rise is the sum total of all spirals upward, so this rise of nearly 7.000 million people we currently live on Earth, is home for billions of years, and every 26,000 years, has formed a new upward spiral.
; The new upward spiral, part of our ascension will begin in 2012, when the entire solar system as a whole, reaches the end of his previous tour of 26.000 years, and start a new journey beginning in the constellation Aquarius, as we emerge from the constellation of Pisces (in fact, we are traveling and between the two constellations), and here please do not think we're talking about astrology or anything esoteric and exoteric sciences, or mysticism or shamanism, we are only talking about cosmic cycles, and a cycle is a walk through something and if we add the word ascension, then it becomes an upward cycle, which will form a new spiral, "up", just that, and if their movement is "up" then why is formed a spiral because it is a circle that returns to its origin, but more "up" to where it began, and that is what is called Higher Octave.

200.000 years ago or so, Neanderthals had here, in another spiral of evolution, evolved from Cro-Magnon race then a few thousand years ago, Homo sapiens A, and then very quickly evolved into Homo Sapiens cosmic, with the intervention of some aliens.

So why so much interest in this new evolutionary spiral coming up?, Simply because every time, are shorter the time when the human being, evolution from one stage to another, and always greatly enhance all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, each time this quantum leap is made.

Light particles, called photons, the atom affect the subject of third dimension, "moving" toward dimension more subtle and higher frequencies, which find their resonance. Therefore, the morphology of the human being mutated to the element silicon, glass base, which is a highly intelligent, of course we are taking a quantum jump rate rise in a Fibonacci spiral, which is the genetic basis of human being composed of crystal structures.

Salto, where the DNA mutation, does not pass the 3 rd dimension to 4 th, but the fifth, then jumped from third to fifth dimension.

Finally, in Philosophy mysticism, the word Christ means a very high spiritual level, a Christ self, is a level that is beyond the level fraternal, and it is noteworthy that the DNA will mutate into silicon, carbon ceasing to be, and if the Silicon is the base of the crystal, then the level of individual atoms that make up the new human being is made of glass (not to be confused with ordinary glass we know), will be the beginning towards Christ Self, or Christ to reach the level we expect in the ladder of ascension to perfection.

No one doubts that we are inexorably approaching a time in our history as a species. Even the skeptics can deny that something is happening on a global level, something that goes beyond the social and ecological conflicts, or the transformation of the scientific paradigm.

For those who live this reality as an energetic experience to expand and connect, times have been accelerating. Growth abrupt severance of ties, disappearance of ailments almost without any treatment, heightened perception, synchronicities without limit.
seems that we were living in an amusement park monumental where have suddenly turned all the special effects, while we tested all games at once.
Sometimes it's fun, Sometimes it is shocking, but there still, finding a purpose in every experience, feeling every moment as if it were your last.
Some have found their own compass to stay on axis. Others are just now realizing that they need before actually finished crumble over their heads.

Today, twelve steps I suggest not to succumb to the advent of 2012:

daily meditation. Yesterday was recommended, it is now vital. Daily meditation is the fuel of our body and soul to go this time. Do it simple: three phases, breathing conscious, body relaxation, the arrival of light. The simpler, the easier it will be incorporated as a habit.

intentions clear. We can not continue to live each day as he boards a plane and the pilot says: take me anywhere you want. We need a map, a guide and a purpose continued without interruption.

REGISTRATION OF DREAMS. Our dreams are guiding us in the direction of our evolution. They have always done, but now it has become much more necessary to pay attention to what they mean. Practice dream recall, try to remember but do not understand, share them with others interested in the same.

RADICAL DETACHMENT. Some beings went through hard experiences in the emotional level, but this was for a purpose, to focus and energy balance and thereby discern whether the person who accompanied me has the same purpose to evolve. Evaluate that ; event of the past affect the way we feel and vibrate. Do not get stuck in that event, change it. The purpose is simple ... Finish to close all the loose ends of this situation, hence the experiences who have had to detach and end once and for all that we prevent our growth, we are really full assessment. Despídanse genuinely what is not useful. They get in return discover extraordinary energy, stay united with the Beings that vibrate at the same frequency to expand the healing light from the mind of all other beings. No matter the experience you had, what matters is the recognition in the Now that is really valuable to our inner growth and making the decision if my partner is an obstacle to this, if it is just let it go "You have your own experience, if instead is a being who wants change-continue to grow, will be a boon to evolution as a couple.

SOCIAL NETWORKS. Meet affinity with those who share this philosophy of life. The change will find them together. Practices involved in activation of conscience, stay well informed through the internet, attend seminars to know more people and generate their own networks or real or virtual groups.

communion with the earth. Mother Earth is evolving along us. In fact, she is the initiator of this movement and the main reason that we are turning toward a higher destiny. It is the ship that carries us through the cosmos. Let's rituals in the most simple and universal: making love to her and her creatures.

time in nature. Take the sun, even on the terrace a few minutes in the morning, make contact with natural power at every opportunity they have. Walk, observe the signs of wind, clouds. Cárguense of vitality and purity.

ART. Exprésense creatively, even when they feel they have no artistic ability. The art is inherent to the species, only that we have been conditioned to accept only certain creative ways. Let the soul speak in your own code, which is the art.

Cling to your dreams. Every soul has a dream, and that is its north. Find what makes them happy and keep their mark. Permanently give up all those prejudices and limiting beliefs that tell them what is possible "and what does not. When we reach the moment that awaits us as a species, we will not have done any good things according to "expected of us. " Find your existential purpose.

karmic cleansing. Our energy fields are full of waste are no longer functional to our growth. In the past, maybe we would have taken years to understand and transmute the remains of karmic experiences. Today, the acceleration and changes in our DNA crystallization old pop. Clean up what's left of them working on chakras, healing sounds, body detoxification with fasting and healthy diet, energy work.

REST. All this results in us becoming an unaccustomed fatigue. The material is slow to adjust to the dynamics of consciousness. Protect yourself enough rest, and more. If you can, take a nap whenever I can, no matter what time of day. If you can not replace any output "compromise" with time for you, quiet relaxation and sleep. CARE OF THE BRAIN.

SUPERIOR SERVICE REQUEST. We are being accompanied by spiritual entities of different colors and frequencies, but with the same great project: to witness the wonderful moment in which a species passes from one dimension to another. To some extent, can help loving connections, encouragement and inspiration.

"In this world of plastic and noise, I want to be with mud and Silence
(Eduardo Galeano)


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