Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mixed Drinks With Gin

The explosive shows a young artist, Maia Debowicz, faces facing the problem of consumerism psicofámarcos, dependence that generated mostly in women, the business of laboratories and pharmacies. Playing with the seduction that generate quick fixes, pills, canisters, the kit appear as objects of consumption that generate the public to the temptation to take home. All a metaphor for the siren song that promises to erase the marks of life with a pill and nothing else. By Moira Soto

AMNESIA. Sculptural object Persephone resina.Estaba cutting MDF and a daffodil, maybe a lily in the meadow of Enna, other traditions state that was in Arcadia, when the earth opened and her uncle Hades, who abducted into the world of the Hells. Demeter, maternal Goddess of the Earth, he heard the terrible cry of his daughter to disappear into the abyss. Desperate, he began to look night and day for nine days in which he neither ate nor drank nor changed their clothes, carrying a lighted torch in each hand. To relieve the pain that oppressed his heart and sleep, Demeter ate poppy, and continued his tireless research without find any trace of her beloved Persephone. Outraged, he decided to stay on Earth and give up his divine role until her daughter was returned. Some time later, before the sterility of the land that produced such abdication negotiated Zeus Hades Persephone finally able to divide their time between Hell and his mother. As Hypnos, the god of sleep and son of Night, Demeter was represented by the Greeks with a wreath of poppies.

Since ancient times, humans turned to painkillers, narcotics, natural euphoric. The opium poppy, in particular, was present among the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians ... This plant, which the clever Greeks took from the Black Sea coast, several alkaloids are derived and their applications were varied through the centuries, including medicine. Apparently, Pliny the Younger (military, writer, scientist Roman, 61-113, AD) gives the name of juice obtained from opium poppy capsules, whose effects are certainly more powerful than those of lime, lemon balm or valerian. In the past, pain balm Demeter knew compete with mandrake and henbane sleeping pill in his actions ...

was more than a thousand years, much more, and in the 50s of the 20th century a man named Leo Sternbach, an exile in the United States, began to play with those substances used to make in Krakow, for the dye industry artificial benzodiazepines. But the lab had asked him antibiotics because a lot of output. Sternbach gave them what they wanted but still experiencing with molecules and after some tests, such as 0690, gave birth in 1963, a new substance on the basis of diazepam, which was launched under the name of Valium (Latin valere, be strong), and in 1965, the Rolling Stone allusion to the song "Mother's Little Helper" ... On those dates were in vogue and amphetamines, stimulants considered simple, yet counter. In the '70s, the Valium was accompanied or rather rivaled other anxiolytics whose use was widespread, with generic names of drugs (Bromazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Diazepam) and names depending on the laboratory which manufactures (Lexotanil, Trapax, Alplax, Tranquinal, etc.). The Clonazepan (Rivotril), meanwhile, antiepileptic, very à la page in the last decade, and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), a hypnotic, were upscale. All legal drugs circulation even in our country, and almost everyone with prescription on file. Which does not mean that the Argentina many people find the way to self-medicate, either through the corner pharmacist who "trust" pending the alleged prescription, and tugging at his sleeve to a friendly doctor who does not cost to renew the passport to sedation, sleep, good humor. For '90 came hot on the Prozac to give encouragement to depressed people. The drug of the century, supposedly without side effects. Punishment of love, work problems, stress from moving, important duels, everything feels less Fluoxetine (Prozac).

THE DURATION OF RELIEF. Purpose of acrylic jars filled with psychotropic drug with LED illuminated ATTENUATED EMOTIONS, UNIT GUARANTEED
On the first floor of the Centro Cultural Recoleta, the sample Silence is clearly noticed by its subject, its colors, its audacity. Sculptural objects and installations belong to a very young artist, Maia Debowicz (24), which was formed by Rodrigo Alonso, Laura Messing, Julio Sanchez Fabiana Barreda, William Roux, and others / as teachers. This exhibition was curated by Mindy Lahitte (28), cultural manager who left to pursue political science to visual arts. Works in Galerie Overview and Project Central, also in management areas (Buenos Aires Photo, Art BA.) On this occasion, worked closely with Debowicz Lahitte, sharing the focus of the artist about abuse and dependence of psychoactive drugs in search of positive effects to meet the harsh demands and emotional labor in today's world, "said the curator writes in the sample text. "We look to the consumption of pills under the pressure of imperative socially integrated ... Prolonged use leads to addiction, the responsiveness is modified, to dampen the emotions .... Feel anxiety, be anxious, sad, pain is now considered altered states of being. Life became a challenge too threatening and happiness is a synthetic construction. "Maia
itself accompanies as a guide in a tour Las12 sample Silence, by the comment of the exhibits:" The first thing see is 'Amnesia', sculptural object that represents a huge eraser type Stadler, actually a Prozac 20 mg. The chosen form refers to the side effects of the drug, one of which is to erase the memory areas. Then we hung two pieces that work together: two tablets of Valium greatly exaggerated size -60 inches in diameter, "two sides of the same coin: on one hand, the logo of Roche, on the other, the name of the pill. 'Industry of control', is called the first, and 'What is the size it should have a pad to mute the heart? ", The second. Obviously, the answer is that no amount is reached once the unit is installed. In other words, Valium may numb feelings, deny them from an artificial place, but not cancel them altogether. By working with the extension, it seemed an incredible paradox that the center of the pill had a heart-shaped vacuum stylized, of course, refers to the V of his name. As in previous work, 'kit' playing with enlarged scales, from a small first aid box I got at a pharmacy. In any home emergency kit has alcohol, cotton, bandages, aspirin ... The sample kit is for 'help' from the emotional and is chock full of pills. I wanted to give the impression that it will explode because that is the feeling of a person with abstinence. The box also symbolizes the body of a dependent person where, if without his psychotropic medication, it feels outside, unprotected. So many try to save. In the lineup of pharmacy with the legend that flashes Open, held out the classical cross to evoke the classic image of the funerals, funeral notices, can be associated with an invitation to death and is called 'professional secrecy', is about that in many pharmacies, when I explain how you feel, sometimes you sell anxiolytics, antidepressants without a prescription, over-consumption of medicines generated impressive profits. Multiply the malls that combine drugs and beauty products for women, ie, other commands, other agencies. "

Debowicz goes on to describe other creations included in the exhibition: "'Emergency Exit' is an installation with the known rectangular plastic pill organize the week, with pills inside. The pill form the word Exit, you do not need much explanation: psychotropic drugs as a way out of trouble, fast. Every week, every month, all the drug is consumed, all those tablets will be within a person: the chemical agenda. I noticed, being in the sample without letting me know which part of the audience this work led him feel like taking pills, including many people stole some ... 'What's a person empty' is a wall installation that mimics the formation of a molecule drug fluoxetine-Prozac-drawn with their own pills. The title, of course, refers to a person emptied of their true emotions, their reflections, playing with the language of the laboratory: the pill as a support to build, it is sometimes the opposite. The duration of relief is a small project, an acrylic box filled with vials containing aligned to take tablets every day for a month. Is all the arsenal: the anxiolytic, antidepressant, the sleep aid ... In these vials, are changing the different pills and quantity, representing the variations will indicate the psychiatrist ... The instability of the quality and quantity of drugs related to the emotional instability of this or that patient, their demand for more drugs. This case turns on and off with a certain rhythm, the twinkling lights symbolize the fleeting duration of effect of the pills. The object-installation 'Only $ 1 for happiness' is a vending machine, a work that interacts with the public. A machine that looks like there used to be in kiosks or gaming sites, with capsules that brought surprises: toys, gum, the ball bouncing. The idea is to play with the easy access to the pills is, marketing that promotes itself as harmless candy. Then a weight, people will take part in the work. What you get is a benefit of a civil partnership that works with the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital Garcia Tobar, a symbolic support for the program take care nursing. We liked the idea of \u200b\u200bgender as well as reflection, this small gesture of solidarity and also disseminate this program that offers alternative treatments to medication pure. "

That gesture of putting the money to get a pill, do not imply the risk of being an incentive for people addicted, those who steal the pill? Maia
Debowicz: "There is that risk, which is linked to the seduction surrounding the pills. The object I am using to build the work produced from the visual appeal, it is highlighted. Moreover, this machine evokes a childhood memory, perhaps magical thinking. For me, the works have to be aesthetic, beyond the subject matter. That 'just 1 $...' cause in some people's desire pill is nothing but a test of dependency caused by them.

Almost from the outset, your work is featured in this issue of illusory being achieved through chemicals.
-Aside from the issue of psychotropic drugs, self-medication and reliance, I want to talk superficiality of current feelings. Heart seems to have bothered, it's almost an enemy: an impediment to success, to fulfill ambitions, have power. My great concern is the health business, not help noticing that there are other elements that are not chemical but are mute emotions and addiction. Previously, I 'Pop Psychology', 'The Last Supper', 'The happiness pill': the second is a precursor to Silence. I worked in that work the subject of suicide, I toyed with the idea of \u200b\u200bSunday, the day of the week where more pills are consumed and the suicide rate is highest worldwide. The day the vacuum, the stifling of emotions is more difficult to bear. In the dishes that I put on the table, containing only pills, wore a gray scale, ranging from white to black. I have much attachment to 'The Last Supper' is a hinge for me, I changed the registration of construction work took me to clean more essential, a cooling process. If the above sample I referred to people addicted to such drugs, in the present, Silence, I focus to the originators and foster this dependence, labs, pharmacies. Any trigger

took you so young, to take charge of similar problems?
"In my teens, because of a family, I saw many private psychiatric situations, I met many professionals. Observed a significant abuse to the body, heart, head. Repeated violence on the decisions for the patient. I witnessed and later, when I order a little my ideas and emotions, that picture looked a little distance, looking at what happened in a wider circle, running from the personal. The topic of psychoactive drugs appear in the media, making it naturally, the famous saying about your favorite pills, as something to glamorous. All this while considering that severe diseases require the use of these drugs. I am referring to the indiscriminate use, denial of the side effects ...

How was working with the curator Mindy Lahitte in the current sample of Recoleta?
She accompanied the process of creation. The sample would have been different without their input. I am very grateful for his humanity, sensitivity and artistic and social commitment. Mindy agree with the idea that, in conceptual art, the viewer must be integrated, is a fundamental part of the work complete. She encourages the participation since its curator, from the way they communicate through text.
ignore the seriousness of the issue to deploy in Silence, there is indirect humor that runs the show, which facilitates the approach.
"Yes, it is ironic, I want to create that attraction, I think it's a way to discuss and communicate ideas. Is not the same watching a black melodrama in the film, a comedy drama with a pitch of filters you concerns with a smile and also allows you to go further in the proposals. I'm not making a documentary cold but giving a metaphorical vision of a situation. Moreover, the irony and humor are part of my way of being and living, I can not deny or conceal.

-Many: teen was followed by the Malba and I stopped in the work of Victor Grippo, "Tables", was a trigger to create "The Last Supper." León Ferrari inspires me too, for his work and his humility as an artist, freedom and youthfulness of spirit. Daniel Ontiveros particularly interested me. Another local artist who worked around the issue medications, Alejandro Kuropatwa: it shows the tablet as something that appeals for relief from elsewhere, from AIDS. From the outside, and in passing, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst. I like Jenny Holzer and other female artists in that line.

Although not explicitly show it in silence, it appears from your works you know and you care that women are majority in this dependence on psychoactive drugs.
"I'm glad you note because I know I have it in mind. I think women have to face today many more demands and pressures than men. On the other hand, in the workplace is frowned upon expression of the sensitivity of women, are discriminated against in regard to their emotions, they are disqualified, are not allowed, women are considered a flaw ... There goes to carve psychotropic drugs, the appeasement of emotions.

EMPTY CONTENTS OF A PERSON. Installation Drawing Fluoxetine molecule psychoactive drugs on wall built QUIETENING, calm, relax, sleep ...
local statistics reflect what is happening, with slight variations, worldwide: between medication and self-medicated population, women are the biggest consumers of tranquilizers, while men tend to stimulants. Stylelife calls have flooded the market drugs drug, sales rise steadily, something like what happens with self-help books: most women in pursuit of a restricted artificial paradise, an illusory peace away from anxiety, distress or despair. At the head of legal drugs, sold under the counter or prescription, alprazolam and clonazepam.

"While substances have accompanied mankind since its origins, there is now a naturalized consumption of psychotropic drugs, which seem to be available to anyone. A trivialization of use, people who take benzodiazepines as if such a thing, because they happen, "says Dr. John Vasen, psychoanalyst, child psychiatrist, a former teacher in pharmacology, medical Children and Tobar Garcia Hospital. "As for the female-intensive, I think we should consider the new place of women in social and professional life, which seeks to demands, expectations, ideals to which we want to respond at different levels: the familiar, professional, add aesthetic. Anxiety to achieve some success, stress and frustration at not getting it leads many women to resort to sedatives. Two generations ago, a married woman bear a huge amount of frustration and hardship in her love life, and generally stayed in the mold. Today, things have changed: a woman who is unhappy in her marriage is not easily bank: reaction, protest spreads. There is an attitude more and more autonomous, less condescending in women: I'm not going to come to discover in this supplement all that hard to be recognized in the labor front, stand, while they can not neglect the domestic level, exercise Maternity, which the kids are successful. Because also there is less tolerance of failure, the difficulties of boys. There are many sources of anxiety. This is what I see in the consultation of women as mothers. "
According to John, you always have to get serious side effects of psychotropic drugs," although in the case of anxiolytics its importance is relative, has to do especially with the emotional dependency they create. And the problem does not solve any psychotropic substance, should never be used as one tool to address certain situations. Antidepressant side effects more complicated, as well as hypnotics. In all cases, it is appropriate to be given psychotropic drugs or by the physician and compliance with the time of use: they must be part of a therapeutic strategy in which the social, cultural, time is met. In the hospital, we are trying to dislodge the children of the syndromes and labels of not addressing problems early with psychotropic drugs. "

Without being alarmist, the professional interviewed strongly recommends the use judicious, limited, of psychoactive drugs in specific situations in which drugs act symptomatically, "I understand that and we are opposed to-use consumer and this is not a minor aspect- esponsorisado of them repeatedly. The laboratories that produce them, driving a messianic logic and rationality commercial and impose the proposed "solution" more as exclusionary as a valuable resource. Your advertising is so seductive discharged on the professionals. But also be exercised in a way too persuasive on a population-parents, teachers, whose grief drives it, understandably, desire for quick solutions to conflicts, failures, rejections. Although this is not the focus of this note, it is warning about the increase in our country for the sale of psychotropic drugs to children, led by methylphenidate, whose consumption quadrupled between 1994 and 1999 (Ritalin MR), even though the frequency its indication remains more restricted in countries like Chile and the United States. "

opportune moment than now, then, for the presentation of Silence, "a show that seeks to reconcile mobilizing" in the words of curator Mindy Lahitte. "Art rebukes you for your own comfort. And if that comfort is in the pill consumed piacere buffer, the effect may be more disturbing. And the eye that is not to suggest that psychotropic drugs should be eradicated. Not at all: under strict control in patients with serious illnesses may be the only way to stabilize them. But we are surrounded by people who for a moment of non-banks stress, a drop of mind, the anguish of a loss or insomnia problem, start eating, they become addicted, increase the dose, taking the easy way. I think this show can shoot many ideas, reactions, hopefully, some layouts, some thoughts. "

Silence, sculptural objects and installations Debowicz Maia, Recoleta Cultural Center, Room 11, Junín 1930, until 4 July.

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Interview with Peter McLaren, education theorist
A pedagogy of liberation
From a Marxist approach, criticizes McLaren this American University, where he observes budget cuts and the advance of "a covert privatization." Promotes a "critical pedagogy" that transforms the teacher-student relationship. By Julian Bruschtein

McLaren is Canadian and he teaches at the University of California (UCLA). "Educational complex, the military-industrial and law relate to each and everyone is connected, making a very combo dangerous. "The description of the present university in the United States belongs to Professor Peter McLaren, renowned Marxist theorist of education, driver of a "critical pedagogy" as opposed to the "pedagogy of desire." Speaking to Página/12, McLaren-Canadian origin but with an extensive career in the U.S. - said its experience in the American educational system and pinpoints your idea about teacher-student relationship as "one of the axes for emancipation. "

- What is the state of American higher education in the context of crisis of capitalism?
"In theory there is a system of public and private universities, but the public are under a covert privatization. For example, University of California (UCLA), where I work, is a public university, but received many contributions from private institutions that influence the academic. Although income from the private sector, cut salaries by eight percent and libraries are closing on Saturday, imagine that a university like UCLA says it has no funds to open a library, but obviously it does have the money to rebuild the basketball arena. In California, the electoral and political projects promise a better education for all social classes and have not only betrayed them constantly. On the other hand, there are other universities that are considered successful such as Harvard, which are supported by private money. They take as an example in the public and therefore is a process of privatization.

- Does this influence between the public and private system is irradiated on the work of teachers?
-educational complex, the military-industrial and industrial-related legal including all United States are connected to form a very dangerous combo. The right has introduced a law in several states that prohibits teachers speak from the political point of view with a different opinion of the majority ... These laws have not succeeded, but we are being pushed by the right. It is worrying, too, that the faculties of education and training will not exist in the U.S. It is an idea that you can hear from some governors, who in their states are trying to get the teacher training colleges and is issued in the private sector. The argument used is that education schools have not improved the education sector.

-You specializes in critical pedagogy. What are the main concepts?
-critical pedagogy is beyond the concept of necessity, unlike the pedagogy of desire, which focuses on the well-being, pleasure, and has a relationship intimate with capitalist structures. For example, in the classroom would be talking about the transfer of the teacher's desire to reject the neo-liberal structures, but this is only the emotional level, the emotional sense of someone who rebels against the norms of everyday life. Instead, critical pedagogy is to develop our knowledge so that you can understand the material conditions of experience. Basically, it is critical pedagogy of liberation, freedom from want, and is essentially a materialist critique. Then, the critical consciousness exists outside of this pedagogy of desire, for which the most significant is what the teacher feels. Is a might be called post-classical pedagogy. The ruling class avoids dealing with reality, with reality on the other, because the misery of others is the cause of the prosperity that is practicing pedagogy of desire is the condition which gives the possibility to have prosperity in their teaching desire.

- On the pedagogy of desire which is the focus of teacher-student relationship?
-Primarily, there is an attempt to free the students of the economic situation they encounter. The attempt is to free the student from the stress you feel on an emotional level. The purpose of pedagogy of desire is not to understand what is happening in daily life, but it is a seduction. It's an emotional investment in education in order to assert power. Instead, critical pedagogy is about the social knowledge and what is not spoken. It also investigates what is not, in order to bring out specific details and meaningful representations of our lives. This reveals the way in which the abstract object representation of the international division of labor reports all cultural practices in society.

- And how established teacher-student relationship critical pedagogy?
"The point is that critical pedagogy is not set in desire, but in the revolutionary love. Love can only exist between people that are the same, they share certain ideals and commitment to the poor. And is this moral affinity, where the teacher and the students learn from each other-that is the conditions of possibility of love at the sites of daily experience under capitalism, under capitalist social relations, institutional relations and structures that are no spaces and do not promote equity, but the opposite. Revolutionary love can exist only in the struggle to transform this relationship. In contrast, the pedagogy of desire works against the construction of a revolutionary love because you can not celebrate what not unknowable. I think these are the differences. Critical pedagogy tells us of being in space or space of liberation, but is at the site of the community and the site of emancipation. One can not approach the question of emancipation without separated from the logic of modernity.

How To Make Someon'es Life Miserable

By Marcelo Zlotogwiazda
The economy has no banking
the past seven years the economy grew much, there was a strong building employment decreased poverty and destitution, has increased exports and the Central Bank accumulated huge amount of reserves, among many other accomplishments. But there are two key economic variables that have recovered very little: the level of deposits and, consequently, the lending capacity of the banking system.

In late 2002, after the confiscation of deposits in dollars, time deposits in pesos were private by a minimum of 19,000 million pesos, which amounted to nothing more than the 5.5 percent Gross Domestic Product at the time. While from 2003 again this year to grow to 8 percent of GDP thereafter remained around that very small percentage. Now there are time deposits of private clients around 90,000 million pesos, 7.5 percent of what the economy produces in a year.

Considering the total of private deposits (210,000 million pesos), and not just fixed-term (90,000 million), representing a proportion of GDP by 17 percent, third in Brazil and a quarter of that in Chile.

Obviously, the level of credit in Argentina is consistent with the low lending capacity that comes from deposits. The total credit to private sector (households and firms) represented 12 percent of what the economy produces, while Brazil is the triple in Chile five times.

is indisputable that these very unfavorable comparative results have something to do with the two great frauds suffered by depositors Bonex Plan in late 1989 and the confiscation of 2002. But I spent more than seven years without evidence of significant improvement.

The situation could be worse if one considers that for some time the performance of fixed-term deposits does not cover the rising cost of living. Currently, the interest rate for loans of large sums just over 10 percent per year, ie just enough to cover about half of projected inflation. However, although the actual rate is no, the money deposited by the private term does not decrease but comes up: now there are approximately 90,000 million pesos, representing a 30 percent higher than in December 2008 (a rise in absolute terms and in relation to GDP ratio is maintained).

One explanation for this behavior is that the dollar-the other alternative is available a typical depositor, has paid even lower than the interest rate. The U.S. currency rose to over 2009 less than 10 percent so far in 2010 rose no more than 3.5 percent, and nothing indicates that in the short term going to stick a few jumps.

On the contrary, and rub with reserves of 50,000 million dollars (though in recent months more than 2,000 million used to pay external debt to international organizations and private holders) and an estimated surplus of trade balance of this year not less than 10,000 million dollars (in the first five months of the year saw a positive balance of 6,150 million despite the big jump in imports), seem to be ripe for the Government to continue using the exchange rate as an anchor to prevent inflation from accelerating.

In this sense, it is crystallizing a little virtuous interdependent relationship between inflation and the dollar: the price increase erodes the real exchange rate, and simultaneously adjust policy unless the dollar prices is key to curbing inflation.

It follows another possible explanation for the behavior of savers who deposit pesos fixed term. Because the dollar rose less than the rate of interest, the performance of peso deposits measured in dollars has been positive, which encouraged to maintain or even increase their fixed term deposits.

But the fact that the deposits have declined does not mean they have been a preferred option to the dollar. Far from it in recent three years has been a huge portfolio dollarization. It is estimated that the amount of foreign assets outside the domestic financial system (foreign banks in safety deposit boxes, etc..) Are around 170,000 million dollars. Of course the negative real interest rate is not the main reason for the leak. The very limited

gravity of the banking system to attract savings to enable it to offer credit to medium and long term has not been an obstacle to rebuild a profitable business after the carnage of early twentieth century. Since 2005 the private banks are making profits increased almost tenfold, from 650 million pesos to 6,000 million last year. And in the first four months of 2010 have already accumulated benefits 2,070 million, up 27 percent over the same period in 2009.

Given the scarcity of financing medium and long term that is funded with long-term deposits, emerged as an urgent need that the State assume this role with much more conviction and resources than ever before. The announcement of Production Financing Program that allocates 8,000 million pesos from the Central Bank rediscount lending in pesos to five-year term at a fixed rate of 9.9 percent per year, is a step in the right direction. But nothing more than a step in a long way to go.


Mobile Brent Corrigan And Brent Everett

By Ernesto Tenembaum
Life, death and everything else
Like a nightmare that refuses to abandon this week's death to show his face again threatening in the country. It costs a lot to write these lines in the middle of the celebrations for the success of the selection, but events occur when events happen, and I can think of nothing more important these days that what happened in San Carlos de Bariloche.

The truth is that, with the exception of Dante as the bomb episodes of AMIA, the fire or the fall of Cro-Magnon government of Fernando de la Rua, is difficult to find in the last decade and a half of Argentina's history of repression as serious a fact.

To be synthetic:

First, a policeman killed in the back, shot in the neck, Diego Bonefoi, a boy of fifteen. Then the police

same repression of demonstrators protesting the killing. Thus, more than twenty people need to be hospitalized, seriously injured. And in this context, two people are killed.

occurred in these years that the police killed protesters, and in Neuquen with Carlos Fuentealba or station Avellaneda, and Dario Maximiliano Kosteki Santillan. But that has not happened yet and then the police shot back to kill the protesters for the first murder. The reaction to the deaths of Fuentealba or Kosteki and Santillan had political effects that lasted for many years. A president, Eduardo Duhalde, had to hand over power ahead of schedule by the second inning and Jorge Sobisch-governor was ending his political career for the murder of Fuentealba.

For various reasons, one of them is the World Cup, these days run the risk of Bariloche crimes are exhausted in a couple of marches for victims and penalties for, just a charge.

The provincial governor called Miguel Saiz, is radically at this time aligned with the national government, and has only asked not to make "political" with the "tragedy." None received first-line authority to the families of the victims. The Ombudsman of the province of Rio Black, Ana Piccinini, accumulates for months complaints of violations of human rights by local police, the local executive branch chose not to attend.

Bariloche's episode takes place in a demanding context in which, during the past year and a half, and there are several deaths and disappearances caused by liability police. And it's very strange, "for want of a caring, that the powers involved, the national government, provincial, do not give a single signal to limit the streak.

worth reviewing the facts to understand what it is.

On January 31, 2009 Crease disappeared Luciano, a teenager of La Matanza. Luciano had been pressured by the Buenos Aires to steal and deliver the booty to the police. There are testimonies of prisoners who saw him at the police station in her neighborhood. The book income of detainees to the police station just plucked a blade of the day Luciano disappeared. The officers were transferred. But never Governor Daniel Scioli welcomed the family, which was not attended or listened to representatives of national government.

In November last year, the Federal Police savagely repressed and no reason to hundreds of young people waiting to get to a concert of Manowar group in the Velez stadium. The repression was filmed by the GPS program Rolando Graña leading American TV. As part of that episode was killed Ruben Carballo, another poor boy, like all three of Bariloche and Luciano Crease. The outspoken Chief of Staff Aníbal Fernández little evasive on the subject. The versions that gave the police pointed to blame the victim - "I was drunk", "hanged himself from a dangerous place to sneak into the stadium - and never clarified anything about the repression.

The Ombudsman of the Federal Capital, Alicia Pierini, is also well documented abductions and disappearances of Jonathan and Ezekiel White, who were threatened by the Federal Police until they were killed and their bodies were hidden for weeks. Family members are subjected to a long journey and fail than anyone, except Pierini, listen.

In the same week that came up with Bariloche, there was another striking fact. The police tried to prevent an assault on Ramos Mejía and criminals tried to escape with a hostage. There was then a shootout, although the hostage's wife begged the officers not to shoot because he feared for the life of her husband. Finally, Emiliano Martino was shot. Two days later, Governor Daniel Scioli went on to explain that an assassin's bullet had come from the police. "It violates the confidentiality of judicial investigations," replied Emily's dad. Marcelo Sain, a security expert and former head of the Airport Security Police of this government, said: "It's an outrage that the police open fire in that context and that the governor supports. Always, the ultimate goal of police is to preserve life. " In any case, the shooting of Ramos Mejia is less spectacular but referring to what happened in October 1999 in Ramallo. Sain

part, along with other political leaders and human rights organizations such as former minister León Arslanian, the prosecutor Hugo Canyon or the director of CELS, Gaston Chillier, the Assembly Public Safety, which said in a statement referred to the murders of Bariloche, highlights:

"The events of yesterday are a direct consequence of delegating the management of security officers who were already committed to the irregular functioning of the police and highlight the need to completely rethink management this issue in the province. The operation of the BORA, a group that already has serious allegations of violence in other towns in the area as El Bolson, must be reviewed urgently. Justice must also provide for sanctions that will fit, both members of this group, as the provincial police officers and political leaders of their actions. It is necessary to find the culprits and ensure that the murder of Bonefoi and two deaths during the crackdown not go unpunished. "

An inescapable political element is that all police-referred to the Rio Negro and the Federal-Buenos Aires under the leadership national government officials or their principal allies in each of the provinces. The silence of the authorities on these issues is, at least, very eloquent and, if not corrected, will sooner or later under questioning one of his finest achievements, which is respect for human rights picky. There should be no differences in the reactions when the deaths or disappearances linked to produce a police Duhalde, a Sobisch, a Scioli, Saiz or because, if any, would generate natural suspicion about the existence of a politically sensitive placement. It is curious, incidentally, the enthusiasm aroused by some militant anti-deserved denunciation of UCEP Mauricio Macri, and indifference to these facts incomparably more serious. As if a rod to measure different life, death and everything else.

"We want police to look after us, not a police force that kills us," said Sandro Bonefoi Diego during the funeral of his murdered son.

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Cerati's health: "It is well maintained and assisted"
Relatives of former Soda Stereo also reported that the musician is always accompanied by his family, a group of close friends and receive spiritual help and good background music. " The musician is Fleni in hospital since 7 this month after suffering a stroke in Caracas, Venezuela.

Gustavo Cerati. Gustavo Cerati, who remains in intensive care at the Institute Fleni of this city, "is well maintained and is assisted by specialists," the family said in its website and requested to avoid "take seriously malicious rumors or publications."

Cerati, who suffered a stroke on May 16 in Caracas, has been held since the 7th of this month at the institute in the neighborhood of Belgrano.

Relatives of former Soda Stereo also reported that the musician is always accompanied by his family, a group of close friends and receive spiritual help and good background music. "

The following is the contents of the note on the Internet:" To all the people who are interested in learning more daily about the health of Gustavo want to let you know that he is being very well looked after and attended 24 hours every day for a highly specialized team of doctors and nurses. "

continues: "Gustavo is always accompanied by his family, a group of close friends and receive spiritual help and good background music. We ask that you avoid taking seriously malicious rumors or publications. Among the many good wishes and positive energy of people, we and the natural force of Gustav, believe and trust that their health will improve slowly. igration for joining! ".

Rigging Laser Sailboat

The never ending creative right
Susana Rinaldi.
represented the Argentina Association of Interpreters at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) . That was the only organization in Argentina in the place. Like her, he says that is sung whenever you have something to say.

By Jorge Belaunzarán

was having a full belly that allowed man to pursue art. Then why things ever made for love art? Even the most abstract creation has its materiality, that which you so upset sometimes deal. And that's why most of the time, is delegated. From cleaning the home to go shopping, to defend their own rights. True that the modern world sometimes prevented from doing all that is owed. But each era had its challenges. And, at least in large part, men of every one of them managed to overcome them.

"Here there is no knowledge in relation to intellectual property. It is a subject that sits above the head while outside of us, our country, make contacts, there are large institutions working on it. I think it also unequivocally, we are the only entity AADI (Asociación Argentina de Intérpretes), which are in contact with strong institutions, not only with the Ibero Latin American Federation. And if we had a wider knowledge of the subject would have a stronger participation. Even in the nation.

-At the meeting in Geneva to discuss the Rights of the Interpreter organized by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), what is the point that most will try?

"Our basic concern is that music is a common good that he represents the country with a high foreign exchange inflows. And most of these currencies are in private hands, through ignorance and carelessness. What is the relationship that the artist, performing musician, has on their rights and why there are creative rights? There is no tax. Always taken as a tax you want to add per se to institutions like ours, they are collecting or collecting. It does not happen there. Is because the creative right never ends. One can establish as law anywhere in the world. And here we do not know that.

- How would it be?

"Many things are happening, and well, with the music of Argentina outside the home. But we have no knowledge of the right support to say how far this will take some international writers sometimes make them sign contracts to artists apart from their right fit. And as the artist does not know what the law is that it is, because artists are actually pretty sloppy about it and we do not internalize enough, then speak ill of the causes and effects. But due to ignorance. Just as we did in the World Heritage, Unesco confuse international recorder because it gave us patriotism that way.

- Refers to tango?

"Sure, he was named a world heritage site as the pyramids of Egypt, such as jazz, and well. And it means that it can not be outraged by any private right to arrogate to this topic.

- What would a case of these rights of performers?

"We charge by diffusion in any form. What I'm asking is that the interpreter internalize what it means the right creative. And from there it is unified in the ongoing struggle for all concerned to diffusion. The dissemination of the music of Argentina is something quite deformed. These are rights which usually pass on some general music and charge are not our rights away. If we had more widely than if we had an approach and this is not is to impose that the music of Argentina has more credence than other music. Music is universal. But I do respect the creator of this version is the interpreter, who will not stop collecting just because you broadcast an item or two or three on the radio or image. My version of "red ink" is not the version of Fiorentino. And there's a creative right. And so if the disc is spread out.

- What you pay if released outside?

"As long as it is associated is AADI is required.

- And these relations are symmetric?

- They are not. All meetings on intellectual rights are for that. To contribute to knowledge not to close. We are the only ones who go to that meeting, and as we do not pay us one NGO. At least since I entered the house looking for the interpreter to repeat what we have done very few artists: worry about our right. And worry also means taking the opportunity to come to meetings and ask what you want; guide suddenly to a leadership if the leadership was unaware of something. It seems to me. For that I am free-thinking, I'm never with preset codes. And worrying about whether the radios have the lists to be submitted, with names of artists we are to see if they match with what we presume. Because we have to adjust to lists sent to us. And if they send.

- Why do you think that this dissociation occurs in the artists? Because usually the artists you hear the complaint.

-For convenience, you just let me, you do better than me. If we start to see suddenly we see that historically have left the country our rights in the hands of others (for various reasons and circumstances.) When we started talking about our rights, curiously and annoy each other. In the appropriators naturally because we do not we get, and they should bother to bother to defend the right, and who do not distraction, laziness, or simply by skepticism. For various reasons we used to be skeptical. I always say that having lived abroad served me well, but above all I have to wet myself to get some answers to the claims that I can.

- recently seen a change in the interest of the performers?

"Yes, of course. So we continue. At the same time is also what I perceive to belong to an entity that fully supports. I always go to the examples of mine who are the ones I have at hand. Lot of years ago I stood alone in front of the Odeon Theatre, which was the oldest of the city of Buenos Aires to defend the peg. It seemed normal for bus drivers to pass and I shouted: Tana happened to you, are you alone? But the truth is that there was no means to worry of the thing, whether one was actually to fight the thing, and I have to admit that Argentores brought me face. That was a dramatic texts receptacle in which one could say that you could still say. At the same time was aware, Argentores, the theater, building, is the only temple of thought that remains.

- Why?

"Because as you create with freedom, but suddenly you feel that after so and will not be hanged on a coat of folly, is the temple of thought. There are thoughts that come from away, and that noble and authoritative people wrote to us fairly. And there are other authorized people who are the authors, who need the church to act and say and define. All this was capped with a degree exacerbated frivolity. It costs a lot to think together. It costs us. And look, this area of \u200b\u200bthe theater is a nice parking spot. That if there is evil, what is? That is not business, because the owners of this place are people a lot of money. Some of them do not live in the country. We obviously had people next door was louder than one. And they were accustomed to the arrogance, something we get used quickly. Unusual and it costs us say is an example. Y I was used to as Hemingway would say, that Paris was always a party, but on the side of which was a permanent event. Every day someone was expressing something. And the event became an accepted rite, which built on a permanent basis, the dissent in certain things. And earned the causes that are earned. And the whole community accepted this in the whole period of Mitterand. A society like ours that are not used to that kind of challenge every day, critique it, because he always gets involved for evil bothers them. And I was long a person aggrieved. And that's a nuisance has to carry. Not as a karma, it has to take a reality. I'm not upset.

"It's just that sometimes there is interest ...

"I would have liked to have defenses ever have done, is a face to face. It was always through intermediaries powerful who were attacking what they said. And of course there was always upset, and losing. But the best thing that happened was that I was not like losing, I was as alerts. And in any case it is a risky one has. An artist has to have that knowing always risky to lose to win. That's an artist.

"It seems to be quite common.

"Maybe. Some people are rather worried. Sometimes we do not know how to face it, how to do it, but I think it is: I've found with many people really worried and anxious while working for others as for himself. It is a personal adventure of mine.

- Is there a relationship between this attitude toward work and interpretation?

"Yes, of course. Not having double standards. What happens is that not the same represent a nonprofit organization, and say what you say, he believes to be worth listening to (warning time, not undermining), to be saying almost the same but knowing that as it is covered by a large holding, at any time will have to shut up. I speak as I speak because I have no holding back telling me I have to say.

And the public may perceive ...

- Ah, have no doubt! And this is not populism. People are wise. There is a moment where people said this is me saying this but is screwing me. If not would not have the respect I have. All human beings for something, presumably, we are afraid of this or that. I'm a rare bird in this regard. I have never afraid. If I have to speak politically, an anecdote. I will eat my children to a restaurant, and had to wait. Spend a man, and say, oh, how you sing the tango!; You is like no other. Now, on the other hand, you sometimes say things that ... Inevitable, he said. Luckily song tango and forgive me, I say. Then I says to Giustiniani sure not going to vote (referring to the internal Socialist Party), but Rivas was left behind. No, Rivas was nearly killed, my dear, I said. And it is showing the brilliance that is fighting for life from a party that is a device that says the opposite of what it should say. Then the man looked at me, good, not talk. This is what happens. Rivas was nearly killed, in fact the intention was, no doubt. And it is the brilliance that is you can say and report yet. But this man does not like. He likes the device, which he believes to feel protected. I moved everything. When they say Alfonsin he said everything is politics, and I wanted to eat, it's true. I'm talking and I'm doing politics, I'm with a political criterion. But I can not say what I say. That is now "tolerated" rather than an artist can have a political expression as well as singing the tango, you have to cherish. Mix a lot. This man tells me sing the tango. Tango song with a repertoire. That is not the tango that maybe like.

- Is it true that not afraid?

-No. Yes, I am a rarity.

- "Not to loss or degradation of voice?

"No, why?. It is a logical consequence. There is an old physical and you may be deteriorating voice. Today we accept something that is a fact that your voice does not depend only on the vocal cords, but also your whole body. Suddenly I know there is a time when the voice is bark. But if you have things to say, you're going to keep saying the going to continue singing. *

Small Black Ear Gauges

Kirchner A gang forced to move an act of Sola

About 200 activists were installed at a club in the town of San Nicolas Buenos Aires, where he planned to lead an act supporter. Finally, the dissident Peronist made a motion and then gave a speech elsewhere.
Solá De Vido accused of being the instigator of UOCRA sabotage your campaign event.
By Juan Cruz Sanz.

Although still lacking a long year, the campaign is getting tense. This afternoon, a boisterous group Kirchner forced the opposition Peronist leader Felipe Solá to relocate an act performed in San Nicolas, Buenos Aires. Leaders of the Peronist
reported that about two hundred activists UOCRA took a clean sweep of a club premises of St. Nicholas, where the 17 electoral event scheduled on the former governor of Buenos Aires.

"began to arrive about two hundred kirchneristas with flags that say 'Cristina 2011' the club," said spokesmen for the Philips. Despite the insistent request of opposition leaders, the non-government militants fled the scene.

Finally, Solá made a caravan through the streets of the city. And then spoke to the activists from the balcony of the Casa del Agreement. "Kirchner is the action, the barra brava de Kirchner: do not let us act, just imagine going to the inside of the PJ inside," said dissident Peronist.

When You Have Herpes Does It Smell?


Vicentico Fito Paez and gave a concert in support of marriage

participated with social organizations, unions, student and human rights for a measure before Congress in support of the project, which already has initial approval of Deputies. Today is celebrated worldwide Gay Pride Day.

ACT. A crowd gathered in front of Congress.

More Gay Marriage: ensure that the referendum is an idea of \u200b\u200b"many bishops"

"Human rights are not plebiscite

A 41-year-old Stonewall revolt, source of Gay Pride Day

Fito Páez , Vicentico and Leo Garcia, among other artists, participated with social organizations, unions, student and human rights act tonight before Congress in support of the proposed marriage between same sex who already has preliminary approval of the Chamber of Deputies.

a stage set in front of the Capitol building, several speakers, including dirgente Vilma Ripoll, actress Virginia Inocenti and José María Lubertino lawmaker defended the rights of gays and criticized the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plebiscite proposed by the Catholic Church and that equality is a basic right that no plebiscite. "

The event, held on Gay Pride Day, brought together organizations that support the project and seek the Senate approved by mid-July, on schedule. "The law is not against the traditional family but is in favor of the rights of all families. There is a project that harms no one but who comes to bring happiness to many families," said Maria Rachid, the Federation Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT).

President of the Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA), César Cigliutti, reiterated his denial that the controversial issue is settled with a plebiscite, as raised by several Catholic bishops, the majority religion in the country. "We do not agree to a plebiscite. It is a new proposal from the Vatican Church to oppose equality rights before the law. We are in a democracy where it already gave preliminary approval to the project and expect the same of the Senate, "said Cigliutti.

" At this stage of humanity, only a feudal sector can challenge a right as basic as marriage. It is as if to plebiscite the right to identity, freedom of speech or to vote, "said Vilma Ripoll, the Socialist Workers Movement (MST).

The standard was approved in the Lower House by 126 votes to 109 against and five abstentions and the tug of war in the Senate will be tough under pressure from the provincial electorate, characterized by greater conservatism.

The Church is preparing a large call for a march in front of Congress for July 13, the eve of the treatment of law in the Senate.

The project provides social security benefits, special business licenses, family allowances, medical benefits and use of shared assets, among other rights.

however silent on the adoption of children because current legislation does not expressly preclude it because it requires no sexual orientation of adoptive parents.

Since last December, five gay and lesbian couples were married, qualified judges. But some ran into opposition from other judges, who ordered their marriages annulled.

How Many Mg Are In An Apple

The proletariat traveling by plane
By Rolando Hanglin
Notes from a trip Buenos Aires-Madrid-Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires

I do not trust the holds of airplanes, because I know million bags are lost in the airport terminals in the world with its multibillion-dollar burden sweaters, teddy bears, earrings and shoes for basketball secretary. But this time I played, to keep your hands free. Valiantly dispatched the main luggage, in order to feel nimble and lightweight.

But in the hands-free, carries a passport, dollars, airline tickets, the boarding-card, toothbrush, tissues, aspirin, deodorant, toothpaste, cologne, a sweater, a jacket, your daily medications (typical, the pill of the night, a mouthwash and eye drops) roles of migration, any purchase held at the Free-shop. I weighed: all accused in the balance 6 kilos. Then come

walks of 1500 meters. All travelers are looking for your cart. In Barajas, an employee hauling 60 trolleys. I asked: Can I leave one? Annoyed replied: No, these are for those who go! Look you in the other room ...

just was not looking, I stole a cart and fled like a criminal, with my wife accomplice. I loaded my stuff. I walked the mile, to stop the train, because the modern air stations have their own internal train, and display it proudly

- will have to leave the cart. In the next room there will be others ...

downloaded all my knickknacks, I took her up and got on the train. Ten minutes passed and we reached a site that was both U, S, 36, and Zeta, with different colors. Then a airport employee: Where do I get off to fly to Buenos Aires?

- Get off at Zeta.

- Aha. "And this is the first stop?

- Do not worry, there is only one stop. Everyone goes there.

- And so why put U, S, 36, and Zeta?

- I do not know, man ...

We arrived at the station. "Down or not down? There was a woman on the speaker:

- All passengers leave the car immediately.

descended instantly. Now, to urgently seek a cart! What if we sat down to rest? It is late, the plane would leave and not even know where we are.

found a cart and loaded our gear. Walked thousands of feet, the terrified couple of other tourists, to reach passport control. We were forced again to leave the cart. Remove your shoes, jacket, key chains, wallet, coat, watch. Going through the scanner. Be cached. Retrieve belongings after the scanner. Find another cart!

now walking again. There are no guidelines. Speakers warn: "No announcements will be made by telephone, be attentive to the displays." But ... What screen? There are thousands, with flight number, time, carrier and destination: Moscow, Dublin, Manchester, Hamburg, Kingston, Montevideo, Mexico, Houston, New York, Anchorage, Beijing. Miles! How to find Buenos Aires? In the notes that we have not specified (as they did before) Door-Gate, and sector number. Nothing. We have to look at screens. Tourists must self-managed, though not even know the language, because an airport is not a group dedicated to serving slave like pashas, \u200b\u200bthe obese passengers comfortable. Not so. The people of the air terminal is busy and impatient. Has things to do.

again force us to leave our shopping (which is money) to move a hand loading our stuff in every elevator, every change of area, each control. We

broken-backed, after 2 hours and fearing that the plane leave without us, a huge gallery of 80 meters wide and two miles long. There are advertised different gates that respond to the indication Zeta-1, Zeta-2, etc. After much walking, I see that Zeta-9 going to Zagreb. This means that we are far from shipment to Buenos Aires, if we are to follow a geographical logic!

Finally, when I despaired, we find Zeta-Buenos Aires. The flight departs at 23.45 and are 22. There are armchairs. We crumble, to be soothing to the kidneys.

know it is essential to eat something, because the total trip Barcelona-Madrid-Buenos Aires takes 16 hours. Since the present moment until the hostess served us a nice hot bowl of chicken or pasta, will spend four or five hours. We faint with hunger. And that's only going to Buenos Aires! There are passengers to Beijing, Vladivostok or Tacna! How will these fellow prisoners? Will these poor people collapsed on the floor, sleeping in a suitcase for a pillow, covered with a coat, the world's forgotten? Maybe. There is always at an airport, someone who is worse than one.

Luckily, just two blocks away from my chair there is a bar to pass. They are lining up behind two dozen Senegalese, Mexican, French and Eskimos. All standing and the broken face of exhaustion. Suddenly, we're about a tall, thin, very seriously, which apparently has something to do with the authorities of something.

- Gentlemen, this is closed! We can not attend! They have to go to the next bar, is at 24.

- But ... Does the 24 what?

- 24, 24 ... there.

And according to a vague point in the distance. I begin to leave in a hurry with my Senegalese friends, Eskimo and Mexican. After 1000 meters we come to another bar. Lined. We note that the bar has no tables. Standing there to wait until our turn, take the tray, choose a sandwich and a soda, browse through the shelves and illuminated confusing some other edible. One woman quietly revised sandwiches. The commissioned admonishes

- Please lady, I touch you snacks! If all will play ... be damaged.

- just do not touch them, sir, just trying to see what they have inside. Thus, outside, is not ... Do you understand?

- I understand, but do not touch, ma'am, please. While Mrs.

it becomes red and almost sobbing, I come to the box. Euro payment a miraculously preserved. I look around. There are no tables. Only a counter to eat standing. All passengers are still standing, and very bad face.

unwrap my sandwich and when I'm going to take the first bite, it occurs to me watching the clock: The 23.45, departure time! I take a drink the gas and go running, without eating. Crossed the thousand meters of galleries in a panic because I have announced that "no indications telephony will." At this point, my plane may have been gone.

I arrived on time, thank God. Feet again. A long line of approach. Another long line in the manga. Another long line in the aisles. When we got to our seat, is actually 1.05. We're hungry.

Oh surprise! Our seats do not match each other. The airline has divorced. Then recall that back in the game, we were warned that these notes (apparently a promotion, a promotion that we do not, a voucher to travel somewhere casting equipment) without number. You can only get the number, and the corresponding row, 24 hours before departure, and the Internet. The computer does not have traveled and there. When (one day ago) we connect to the damn company, a machine we "threw" a number of seat to my wife and another to me, but quite far from each other. Once on the plane, other passengers pray we exchanged seats, to keep our family together in adversity, after many vicissitudes. But no one wanted:

- Two months ago I have booked this seat to travel aisle! - Said angry lady. Without doubt, had paid a special rate we did not know ... We in our infinite innocence always think that our seats were good ones! Not the first, not the Business, does not the Premium, not the Executive. Travel only, nothing else: the noble and humble tourist.

Finally, a woman (Patricia) I heard on the radio for thirty years, sympathized and gave me his seat in exchange, so my wife and I can comment on the emotions experienced.

When I ask my English friends what he should build a huge airport so as to fly simultaneously million people in which large rooms are glazed and color gallery completely empty, closed or abandoned, they say, "This is a bedroom-sized airport, the aircraft that is ... sleep here, do not have to go to Frankfurt and Dallas . why it is so huge. Of course, this means for passengers to walk and walk. "

I wonder: What does it for me an airport-bedroom? How do I benefit from taking a train inside the airport, and lifts disconcerting and dizzy galleries and bars closed, and footer rows, and baggage checks?

I unfruitful. It is a long torture. With the detail that the tortured have paid $ 2000 per capita to be harassed, stripped, scanned, corridos, abused. Security measures, "he will say, are inevitable. Aftermath of 11 September and the bombing of the Twin Towers. Okay, but I bombed the Twin Towers.

I just want to go, and I'm paying too much money to walk around the world or to visit my family. I want to be treated.

suspect that everything would be better controlled in a small airport, human action, to fly to nearby destinations and moderates. Everything would be better (I suspect) if he had aero-stations in each provincial capital, watched by local police, with people more aware and in need of work.

engineers who design these airports-monster, no doubt costing millions of euros, will receive international awards, and government officials will be very proud when the mole horrible design reminiscent of a predatory bird, appears on the cover of Fortune or the Wall Street Journal. Okay. But we, the passengers, the proletariat with his blood and his two thousand dollars per-capita support the whole system ... What do we gain?

All of us live, hostesses, stewards, pilots, Free-shop girls, the security police, the guards with their drug dogs, owners and operators of carts ghost train. All. They should remember the words of Uruguayan President José Mujica, when rebuked the strikers of a state oil company, "You are to serve, not to serve."

is the essence of democracy. Public and private officials should serve us (the proletariat air) instead of cash in our anguish and our bewilderment.

If commercial aviation does not return to its core business, he predicted a quick end. Hood. And back to the ships, which arrive later but we take comfort and care surround us. As appropriate, taking account of what it's worth the ticket. Finally, we have so much trouble, just about live.

An aggregate. We appreciate the genius of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates's talent, but half of existing computers would fly away. Or better yet: give away the machines to schools and schools so that children are better prepared to face the world ahead. Computers, how they are working today (dictators trade blind and deaf man) hinder thousands of people who were awkward before touching a keyboard.

all part of a perversion that could be called cyber-world, governed by new rules, theoretically very practical.

For example: phones travelers to book three nights in a hotel New Orleans. But the line connected, in fact, a call-center. That is, an office with twenty young men and women, located in Cordoba (Argentina) Manila or Tegucigalpa. These guys that shipped on the phone, charging $ 400 per month, only read what is displayed on a screen. They do not know the hotel in New Orleans, nor other facilities for working as a restaurant in the Catalan Pyrenees and Spa in Patagonia. Therefore, do not know whether German passengers on the second floor to get up early, use the pool or plan to stay longer. They know nothing. They can not help anyone. Precisely: you can not "serve." Just read what's on the screen. Know whether the sun is shining on the east side rooms and, therefore, makes them hot. Know what are the closest to the breakfast, which they are en suite. Even know what is "en suite". Belong to a generation that relies on computers and displays. It has not felt anything in his own skin. Moreover, adolescents who "work" on call centers in the world do not feel the slightest interest in the hotel, restaurant, university, conference center or the Korean brothel for which they have been-indirectly-employed. They just want to meet the 8 hours of work to escape their homes and into the arms of his girlfriend. Do not know what is their German masters, Argentine or Chilean who call. And what are their problems. Or what is the place where these problems would occur. They are youngsters who transmitted messages. For example, at 3, as follows: "Mr. Fernandez, wake up and go to pay his debt to Mr. Gonzalez." Everything in the finest tradition of chivalrous style ... A delicacy!

This is part of what today is called "outsourcing." A ruthless way to wash your hands.

Last year I got a ticket to Barcelona for a Friday and, after a week, the company's own employees told me casually that my flight had been canceled, therefore, would not fly on Friday night but on Wednesday before the morning.

- But I can not travel that day! Protested, "There are no less than 48 hours apart ... I have a commitment, license permits, contracts to fulfill .... "How dare they do this?

- not us, sir. It was the system - told me a sweet blond girl with green eyes that would have worked well in the portals of Auschwitz.

Whatever happens, they never were. It was the system. Too bad system ... At what point we will have chosen?

Working At La Fitness Sales Counselor

Another legal setback in offensive Moreno
overturn a decision on newsprint

Justice annulled a decision by the National Securities Commission (CNV) who had challenged a Paper board meeting held last year Press. That administrative decision was the fact that led the Government to seek the intervention of the company.

Newsprint produces the main input for 170 newspapers around the country. In August, with the intent to control the supply of paper, the secretary Trade, Guillermo Moreno, launched a fierce offensive against the firm.

On Thursday, the Court of Appeals in Commercial Matters, with the unanimous vote of José Luis Monti, Juan R. Garibotto and Alfredo A. Kölliker Frers, said that the SEC violated the company's right to defend itself in court and acted outside the scope of their powers under the body.

Newsprint is a company of which they are shareholders newspaper Clarin, La Nacion and the nation state, which has a minority stake.

The State never objected to the political or corporate decisions. However, in mid-2009, Moreno began to develop a clear strategy to seize of the company and, through them, control the supply of the main input the print media.

As part of that campaign, Moreno-the official who destroyed the reputation of Indec-shifted to various state officials involved in corporate bodies, appointed in the directory and replaced Beatriz Paglieri then head of the National Securities Commission ( CNV) Eduardo Hecker by Alejandro Vanoli.

As the Government did not find any irregularity, Vanoli, from his new post, emphasized in a formal matter, the lack of immediate transcription in the minutes of a board meeting, held late last year. And the SEC overturned the board meeting.

That resolution of the CNV-now the appeals court said no, "was the starting point that invoked Moreno to request the Court to arrange for intervention in the business: thus, the court appointed co-manager Malde Eduardo Carlos Bianchi , who resigned two weeks ago to no longer bear the abuse of Moreno and the other state directors.

Commercial Chamber said that "in a rapid procedure just ten days did not guarantee the company the right to be heard or to present evidence in court", which violated "the constitutional guarantee of defense at trial. "

strategy Barely 24 hours before the ruling, Moreno had also received another setback.

Part of the official strategy aims to raise doubts about the circumstances surrounding the purchase of paper for daily Clarin Newspapers and THE NATION, an operation that took place in November 1976.

Moreno always maintained that the testimony of Rafael Ianover, a former front man David Graiver, would be key to know the truth. So the man took a meeting of Audit Commission Paper Press. However, Ianover said the opposite of what he hoped Moreno.

"Montoneros family claimed him Graiver a debt of $ 17 million and said that if not paid, they would kill a family member. The family returned to the country to sell the business and pay the claim. The first company that was sold Fapel newsprint, "said Ianover, who insisted that" Graiver needed to sell. "

Rental Of Gown In Pasig City

The world, in the third depression
Paul Krugman The New York Times

NEW YORK .- The common recessions, the depressions are rare. For all I know, there were only two periods of economic history were described as widespread adoption "Depression" at the time: the years of deflation and instability that followed the Panic of 1873 and the years of mass unemployment that followed the financial crisis of 1929-31.

Neither the Long Depression of the nineteenth century and the Great Depression of the twentieth century were times of relentless decline. By contrast, both included periods when the economy grew. But those episodes of improvement never enough to repair the damage caused by the first fall, and were followed by relapses.

I fear that we are now in the early stages of a third depression. Probably more similar to the Long Depression that the much more serious Gran Depression.

But the cost to the global economy and, especially, for the millions of lives ravaged by the lack of jobs is enormous. And this third depression is primarily a policy mistake.

Worldwide, most recently in the very daunting G-20 summit in Toronto, governments are obsessed with inflation when the real threat is deflation, and preach the need to tighten their belts when the real problem is inappropriate spending.

In 2008 and 2009, it seemed that perhaps we had learned the lessons that history had given us.

Unlike their predecessors, which increased rates of interest in a financial crisis, the current leaders of the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank (ECB) lowered their rates and acted to support credit markets.

Unlike past governments that sought to balance their budgets when they were faced with a faltering economy, the government today allowed the deficit to rise. And best politicians that the world managed to avoid total collapse, it could be argued that the recession caused by the financial crisis ended last summer. Unemployment

But future historians will say that this was not the end of the third depression, such as the rise business that began in 1933 was not the end of the Great Depression.

After all, unemployment, in particular the long-term unemployment remains at levels that would have been considered catastrophic short time ago, and there is no indication that it will recover any time soon. And both the U.S. and Europe are moving towards traps Japan-style deflation.

Given this bleak picture, one would expect that politicians will realize that they had not done enough to promote recovery. But no: in recent months, there was a remarkable revival of the orthodoxy of hard money and balancing the budget. In

I referred to the rhetoric, the revival of the old religion is most obvious in Europe, where officials seem to draw their full sentences from speeches of Herbert Hoover, including the claim that raising taxes and reducing spending measures that truly are extended strengthen the economy and business confidence.

However, at a practical level, the United States does not make things better. The Fed seems aware of the deflationary risks, but what he proposes to do about these risks is, well, nothing.

Barack Obama administration understood the dangers of premature fiscal austerity? But as Republicans and conservative Democrats Congress did not authorize the additional aid to state governments, that austerity there anyway, in the form of state budget cuts.

Why this policy is wrong? To justify his stance, regularly invoke the most intransigent problems faced marginal Greece and other European nations.

It is true that investors have attacked the government with intractable deficits. But there is no evidence that short-term fiscal austerity, to a depressed economy, serve to reassure investors.

the contrary, Greece has agreed to strict austerity plan, only to find that country risk continues to grow, Ireland has imposed savage cuts to government spending, only to have the markets considered more risky than Spain.

The triumph of orthodoxy
It's almost as if the financial markets understand what the politicians do not seem to understand, that although the long-term fiscal responsibility is important, to slash spending in a depression, deepening it and giving way to deflation , is a truly self-destructive attitude.

So I do not think any of this is justified with Greece, or that is a realistic assessment of the compensation of the relationship between the deficit and employment.

is, however, the triumph of an orthodoxy that has little to do with rational analysis and whose fundamental premise is that to impose suffering on others is the way to demonstrate leadership in difficult times.

And who will pay the price for this triumph of orthodoxy? The answer is tens of millions of unemployed workers, many of whom remain unemployed for years, and some of them never return to work.

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The external front / Debate in an international organization
crucial Management in Paris by washing
A government delegation traveled to soften a report of FATF experts and try to reduce the risk of ending up in the "gray list"

Hugo Alconada Mon

French Connection. That is the goal of a delegation of 15 to 20 technicians and experts from different areas of the state, who traveled to Paris to meet this week a key body. Shall reduce the harshness of a report that could lead Argentina to the "gray list" of countries with no real political will to combat money laundering.

The process can bring the country on that list is long. But the first step, the draft of that report, and adverse outcomes rebuild the nation as six high official and private sources. They agreed that the second step, in France, will be "hard", "complicated" and "tortuous."

In Paris, the coordinator of Argentina to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Alejandro Strega, will lead the group to negotiate with the expert mission which visited the country in November and produced a "very tough" draft for Argentina, such THE NATION as anticipated in mid-April, which the Government sought to refute.

quantitative balance of this review is, however, striking: about 49 "Recommendations" which evaluates the FATF anti-money laundering, experts concluded that the Argentina international failed 24, 22 others partially met, met mostly only recognized 2 and 1 as completely fulfilled.

measured with a prism qualitative balance is also very negative. Tallied 16 recommendations "nuclear" and "key" - core and key, as they are known in the scene-laundering, unfulfilled or only partially fulfilled. And to enter the danger zone just recorded ten of these recommendations in these conditions.

From the Government's response to the query of the nation was ambivalent. On the one hand, acknowledged that the discussion with experts will be difficult. "In a review, you can fight and move 3 to 4 or 5 maximum. But never jump from 2 to 8 ", exemplified by a senior official.

However, the authorities also contextualize the situation. They argue that other countries in the region face similar criticism or review, Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay, were in tightrope-o-Uruguay-Ecuador fare worse.

Since the government also hoped that the draft expressed the "strongest position" of the evaluators, who then surrendered at various points to show their "good will "and no" animosity "with Argentina.

Under the microscope were different areas of the state. So the president's entourage up Unit (FIU), José Sbattella, the expert from the National Securities Commission (CNV), Alba Avila Quintana, his pair of Central Bank (BCRA), Delia Cortelletti, and more of the Chancellery and the Ministry Economy.

"methodological flaws"
The journey of the holder of the Tax Research Unit Money Laundering Plee Raul, came under discussion. Esteban Righi Attorney-evaluated if authorized and paid for his trip, since the unit was outside the mission critical, but from a broader view, a substantial critical is the total lack of convictions in cases of money laundering.

Strega, meanwhile, has already sent its reply to the draft. He criticized what he called "serious methodological flaws." Among other reasons, because it cites the dismissal of Martin Redrado as president of the BCRA, even though their fall took place after the expiration of the time frame should respect the report. Strega

known to weather storms. Last February, the then Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana announced to the full of his peers during the summit that he had "moved" after a complaint from Ecuador, but not in detail to avoid major problems in image of Argentina to the FATF.

In its reply, which also marked Strega considered different parameters to evaluate different countries. For example, it scored much worse in Argentina than in Germany under the item on law against terrorist financing, even if the rules are similar.

"If you accept changes to the draft, will be displayed for the expertise that Argentine officials for changes and sensitivity to show the evaluators," predicted a source aware of the talks that following this meeting in Paris, will be defined in October at the "full FATF." If Argentina remains there for ten or more core and key recommendations in red, enter into the process that can lead, after a year in the "gray list" of countries AML without political will.

For all that, will determine the FATF Plenary in October and before, which now takes place in France. "There [in full] also may tweak this draft until the last moment, but will be more complicated because of the technical discussion will be added political calculations," La Nacion said one of the sources. "The whole is more like a Roman circus quipped. All against all. So what happens is key now in Paris."

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The country as Bergman

see the country today?

I think it is good to lose that restraint if we have it all figured out some things we can not steer.

I believe that issues like human rights policy, the subject to grab the helm of a very difficult situation to handle that does not necessarily require much deliberation but driving, but reinserting the macroeconomy regardless of internal control.

And what next?

Today, we have to think what will come next. 'The change has just begun', 'know what it takes and we know how' is what we have pending.

The continuity of a single seven-year presidency of Nestor is the inability to provide what it promised more quality institutions in a democracy that is participatory and representative, but delegate, under the assumption that a first minority electoral rules as you and not as it should, and a lack of republic.

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90% of young people consume alcohol Buenos Aires from 13 years

Undersecretary From Addictions Care of the Province recognized that these drinks are and their combination with drugs, "the major problem "among young people
90% of young people in the province of Buenos Aires consume alcohol from age 13 and while" the paco is lethal, "are these drinks and their combination with drugs" the biggest problem "between adolescents, said Undersecretary of Care for Addictions Aires, Gabriela Torres.

The official, who replaced Edgardo Binstock in front of the undersecretary, said on the radio that "adolescents and young people fall into drugs from exclusion and lack of networks which are part and generate a sense of belonging. "

also said that, according to this division," 90% youth of the province, after 13 years, and consume alcohol. "

guidelines describing the actions to be undertaken in office, said one of the" challenges "is the" prevention ".

"Our hub is that young people are again being like having a life plan, that they are willing to participate in other things, we are going to recreational and cultural workshops to then go back to school and become young again," said the officer.

Torres said that while "the paco is lethal", currently the biggest problem is alcohol and the combination with marijuana. "

" When you're poor, is ill-fed and has no social networks, the drug kills you, "he said.

In that regard, he noted that" a boy who consumed drugs had to be hinted before, had to stop playing, bathing and going to school, no one starts to drugs overnight.

In Province, noted, "there is a provincial network of 178 care centers with interdisciplinary teams," but said his goal is to provide "a more community role, professionals to go into the neighborhoods. "

" We are trying to open the Centers for Prevention of Addictions (CPA) and have agreements with 23 NGOs and 9 (entities) own specific treatment, said.

In this context, said the province has also "prevention programs to work with workshops in the districts, the idea is to recover the network neighborhood, but now we speak of inclusion must be done with concrete measures such as universal child allowance."

"I believe it is essential that we remember where we came from, a lot of absence from the state, today's teens are children of a generation of unemployed persons was excluded from the system," he said.